super soil mak it or buy it ?

Darth Dank

So Im doing my first mmj grow and I used shity soil. Next time Im using TGA super soil. I wanted to know whats cheaper making or buying it ? Also if I buy, can I drive to where its made to save on shiping ?


Active Member
The only side-by-side comparison I saw on the Weed Nerd, in which Subcool grows some in his personally made soil and some clones in Dioxide's mix. It was pretty clear looking to me Dioxide did his homework and his mix outperformed Subcool's. Now Subcool grows all his flowers with Dioxide's bagged mix of TGA base and supersoil. I now also do the same. In the future, once I have all my clones, I plan on mixing some of my own to see if I can equal the performance for a lower costs.
So far, I am satisfied with my plants, all growing in bagged Supersoil with Vermisoil premium potting soil as a base. Also have some Down to Earth Pro Organic mix and TGA base soil for my future grows. Once I have some buds, I will post up in the Supersoil results thread. Fortunately for me, my local shop can order this for me and I go pick it up. Simple for me :) For now, I am trying to recreate Subcool's growing style into my garden. Good luck on your future grows, dude. Peace.


New Member
I think sub said that he only uses the TGA base now and prefers to mix his own SS as it gives him more control.

i made my own and its definitely cheaper, though if I could get the pre mixed I prob would As its more convenient for me, I live in flat and not much outside space, though I still managed to mix a 2 bag mix indoors in my living room ;p
it was effort though, so if you have any health issues I'd prob advise pre bagged.
and I'd prob recommend the pre mixed or charge packs if ur unsure about amounts or not very knowledagble on ingredients etc.

im sure both will give u amazing results, I can maybe see people running into trouble with their own mixes of soil, if your new to this maybe go with the pre mixed or charge pack if U can't get that.


Well-Known Member
I mixed my own and it came in around 200-250 bucks which seems it would be cheaper if not close to the same for a 100 dollar charge pack and a couple 50 dollar bails of soil. all about availability for me at the time charge packs wernt available I think next time I will be getting a charge pack if I can.... just cuts out a bunch of bullshit mix it up and let it cook BAM!


Active Member
If you consider the extra stuff in it over and above subs recipe it would probably be cheaper to buy the charge pack that way too theres no guess work with amounts or anything, I live in Canada so I have no choice but to make my own but if I could get the charge pack I wouldn't even think twice about it


Well-Known Member
· 10 large bags roots natural and organic soil
· 65 pounds Earth Worm Castings
· 2100g/4.6lbs fish bone meal (down to earth 3-16-0)
· 2100g/4.6lbs bat guano (happy frog 0-5-0)
· 2100g/4.6lbs blood meal (down to earth 12-0-0)
· 500g/1.1lbs potassium sulfate (0-0-50)
· 2100g/4.6lbs Neem seed meal
· 1250g/2.2lbs ancient forest alaska humus (general organics)
· 1000g/2.2lbs xtreme mycorrhizal granules
· 1050g azomite
· 1000 grams rice hulls
· 650g sea kelp (algamin 1-0-2)
· 350g dolomite lime (30% cal 3% mg or 75/12)
· 250g alfalfa meal (down to earth 2.5-1-1)
· 150g humic acid powder (down to earth)
· 50g Epsom salt

I just made this batch, took about 2hour including the mixing and putting it in 35gallon garbage cans.
Filled up 3 and a half 35 gallon garbage cans.

Good exercise, definitely make it your self.


Well-Known Member
1000 grams rice hulls
With the Consumer Reports tests showing high levels of arsenic in rice (and that it concentrates in the hull), I wonder if this is really a good idea to add to your soil. I don't know the science, but I'm a bit worried that it could concentrate in the plant and you would be smoking small amounts of arsenic, a major carcinogen. Since this is not an ingredient in sub's recipe or many others, I'd just leave it out to play it safe. Anyone know the *facts* on this?


Well-Known Member
I agree wit snap. If u can get the exact n nutes to add then do it yourself. That being said if in the u.s. its cheaper to mix it yourself no charge pack involved. Charge pack involved though there is little to no guess work other than how much of the mixed soil versus the base.


Well-Known Member
With the Consumer Reports tests showing high levels of arsenic in rice (and that it concentrates in the hull), I wonder if this is really a good idea to add to your soil. I don't know the science, but I'm a bit worried that it could concentrate in the plant and you would be smoking small amounts of arsenic, a major carcinogen. Since this is not an ingredient in sub's recipe or many others, I'd just leave it out to play it safe. Anyone know the *facts* on this?
That was largely a hype
The levels found were way below the amounts allowed in drinking water, and only found in a small percentage of the rice crop.
If you're worried about the arsenic levels just buy you rice/ricehulls from a california distributer , all the studies and research shows that, the highest levels of arsenic in rice hulls appeared to show up more while moving to the east coast. I've researched this high and low before I added anything to this revised super soil recipe.

And no this is not an ingredient in subs recipe, but since sub stole it from Vic and changed the ingredients around anyways, why shoudnt others?
Also this is not my recipe but sidewings. Im not taking credit for it just testing it out on a large scale and adjusting where needed to my own satisfaction.