Super Skunk, Chemdawg #4 and WhiteWidow OG Grow 10 plants 1000w Hydro

Recently started another grow and decided to do a full journal this time. This time I built a 7x4x7 tent made of PVC piping and black plastic and mylar inside.
I'm doing 10 plants all under 1000w total.
-3 Super Skunk
-3 Chemdawg #4
-4 WhiteWidow OG

All in 3gal hydro buckets. I have always used organics in the past but decided on using the Flora Series on this grow to try them out.

I need to get my vent fans but haven't decided on using a 4" inline fan + carbon filter for out take and a 6" inline booster fan for intake. I'll have to be running ducting about 20ft to get outside so I'm not sure what the best setup would be, all while trying to keep cost and especially noise down. Any ideas? Thanks!



Well-Known Member
:weed:Looks pretty cool!
I would think that a 4" inline fan would be too small....regardless of the booster....especially if noise is of conern. The noise is multiplied the faster the air travels through the duct, so it would make sense that a bigger duct(6"-8") will handle a larger volume of air with less 'force'/noise coming out. 4", IMHO, is just pretty much too small for venting. And attach a scrubber? Another thing is if you plan to expand....or it gets warmer than you think.....idk, just my .02

I was going to ask what your buckets were and then I looked better at the pics and see all the air-line. Dwc? I have no idea how much you know on organics and dwc but I really recommend taking pre-cautionary measures for root issues. If you search 'Heisenberg Tea' on google it'll get you to his thread here(I dont remember the name) @ riu and he really has some awesome info on inoculting roots for slime and pythium with beni's (and 'negi's)....albeit I dont believe he recommends organic, but a combo of synth nutes and natural benis..... I say this because I think you have a chance of running on the warm side with your res's(dwc).....figure ambient+ means in the high 70's(that's IF you have ac). And if you dont talk yourself into another light, lol:-P.

Hey, have's looking great and now I feel like I was trashing on you or something.....totally not---been THERE and had THOSE problems.....for all I know you have too!! So dont take any of this wrong; truly only trying to help!

OKay, so, pic of the inside of the buckets and one of roots?? What is that medium in the 3" nets?

I cant be much help on the 'cost effective' part of your issue at hand. Heat is a critical issue. Hopefully heat wont be an issue(I just cant see it though) and I hope I am not seeing the outside edge of those buckets and there are fittings w/pvc for ebb/ dont want your roots sitting in a hot bath:o as I am sure you know. Anyone else??

OKay again, way too stoned, not sure if I finshed this right or what. That be the Bubblegum BHO I just tried in my new double perk!:-P

Here we are a week later, with nutrients now full strength. Got lucky and got the Rapid Start Root Enhancer free at the hydro store when I went to get
the FloraGro and inquire about a fan. Planning on topping them in a week or 2 when they are a bit more established, but overall looking good and the
root enhancer is helping a lot. And the medium they're in is the 1" RapidRooters the clones came in and some small gravel cuz I didn't have any hydroton.
Hydro Setup 3.jpgHydro Setup 4.jpgHydro Setup 5.jpgHydro Setup 6.jpgHydro Setup 7.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 3.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 4.jpgSuper Skunk Veg 1.jpgSuper Skunk 2.jpgHydro Roots 1.jpgChemdawg4 2.jpgChemdawg4 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice setup dude, looks nice and clean :)

It looks like you need more oxygen in the water though, the yellowing and leaves turning down is a sign of overwatering in hydro and not enouhh dissolved oxygen in DWC. How much space have you got between the bottom of your pots and the water?
I got about 1" from bottom of net pot to water level, was a little higher til more roots started coming out. But just got my FloraMicro in today!
Added that and topped all but the chemdawgs since last time, and they are coming in nice and bushy. Thinking of toping again in a week or 2
or right before flower. And got my 6" fan + filter coming monday. Here's some new pics.
Hydro Setup 8.jpgHydro Setup 9.jpgHydro Setup 10.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 6.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 7.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 8.jpgSuper Skunk Veg 2.jpgChemdawg Veg 4.jpgHydro Roots 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet man, well they've picked up since the last update :)

If you decide to top again just before flowering, do it the week before so they have time to recover before going to flower ;)
Yeah they really are coming in nice and fast. And bushy, except the chemdawgs not so much yet. But yeah I was thinking of toping maybe in another week
or 2 depending on how big and bushy the rest are before flower. I'm also hoping this FloraMicro gets rid of a bit of the discoloration some of the leaves
have because I didn't have it til yesterday. And that rapid root enhancer works wonders!! I def recommend it anyone using these nutes.
New update going into week 3 veg. Few of these have been topped 2-3x because they were just coming in a lot faster then the rest and they are getting really
fat now, and branchy. Prolly gonna switch them in a week or so. Got them on full nutes line now including the FloraBloom and got my fan + filter hooked up.
Roots seem to be coming in really well which is good and they all look overall really good I think. Can't wait to see them flowering!
Hydro Setup 11.jpgHydro Setup 12.jpgHydro Setup 13.jpgHydro Setup 14.jpgHydro Setup 15.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 9.jpgWhiteWidow OG Veg 10.jpgSuper Skunk Veg 3.jpgChemdawg Veg 5.jpgHydro Roots 3.jpg