Super Skunk CFL Soil Indoor Grow


Active Member
Breeder calls for 8-10 weeks of flowering. As of tomorrow she will have been flowering for 9 weeks since I saw the pistols start shooting. Trichs are looking gray/cloudy on the calyx's. I'm thinking this weekend will be her last breath of life. All of the side branches got so heavy that they were falling over so I had to tie them to the main stem. Now the main stem is falling over; she looks like the leaning tower of pisa!


Active Member
Day 67 since pistols first started showing.


Gents, how much longer do you think? Lots of cloudy trichs, have only spotted one or two ambers. Have seen a couple nanners as well, thinking she's ready for the chop before possibly getting worse? She's feminized seed also, FWIW.