super skunk and greenhouse cheese flower 3-6 weeks???? pics

flowered after 3 weeks from seed, (18-6 before mh 600w), now under hps, im unsure of how long its actually been flowering and the cheese im 100% its not been 4 weeks yet, ive got 10 cheese and 5 skunk cramped into a space no bigger than 0.9sq metre. 1st time grow and tried to keep height and bushiness to a minimum but didnt work out with the cheese, should of done all 15 as skunks, as they seem to do well as cramped beings. ok so i would show pics but have no idea how to post em, any ides?


Well-Known Member
I see no pics...
You can use the "manage attachments" button in the advanced reply to post pics less than 800X600 res. OR you can use a photobucket account to upload higher Res pictures and insert them using the tags (really easy and you get better pics).
Are you really in Saudi arabia ?? That would be pretty cool :P

As far as not knowing when you flowered and such dont worry too much if you have a general idea you will be able to look at your buds and judge when they are "ready". Theres plenty of guides on here/interwebs to help as well.

Are you using SCROG or LST as far as height goes?
im using nothing, i just put them in and let them grow however they like, im trying to post pics but it seems impossible, everytime i try it just shows me a pic o it, and wont let me go back so i have to close it down and start again, its annoying to say the least.