Super Silver Haze FUCKED -Help :'(-


Well-Known Member
Super Silver Haze
Greenhouse Seeds

- 3x 130CFM fans (1 pushing air in 2 pushing air out)
- watered only with distilled water (maybe the ph is too acidic?)
- humidity 40-50%
- temp 84F (with lights on)
- I used a bit of cana coco A and B but it was sooo little 0.5ml in 1L of water!!!
(some people say it's nute burn but it's been like this for 3 weeks!!)
- I might have a minor issue with light leak? could this be it :S?
- I've just gotten to the point where i don't know what the hell is wrong, PLEASE.. SOMEONE HELP..

I've supplied 2 pictures to show you the plants horrible condition in the hopes someone can diagnose it!




Well-Known Member
how close or far are the lights , also most seedlings dont need any nutes for a good week or two , just plain water.


Well-Known Member
Start over dont use ferts till 4th or 5th true leaf set...sorry to see those you can try saving them but they'll be stunted for a longtime if they even pull three weeks your plant should be waaaay taller...IMHO I'd start over what kinda soil?


What a fucking waste! Learn some basics first, or keep wasting yours and the plants time, you have ruined 2 perfectly decent seeds.


Active Member
Seriously there is no point in even trying to save them. Stop trying to fuck with shit and forcing it to become some kind of super plant.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
its in coco so its needs nutes from the start or you'll get no growth at all. Feed 1/4 strength to start and then build up from there. I'd start over with a fresh bean though because it does look fucked


Well-Known Member
They are toast. Unsalvagable. Coco = no nutes. That no nutes for the first two weeks is strickly for soil groweres. Your light leak isnt causing this, thats impossible. I would say it could be one of two things. Lights too close or lack of food. Start over and feed. I dont like to ever say start over but i would otherwise start praying.....alot :):):)


Well-Known Member
Oh and get a cheap ppm meter man, otherwise your growing with a blindfold on. Open your eyes to what your feeding your plants :):):)


Well-Known Member
Start over dont use ferts till 4th or 5th true leaf set...sorry to see those you can try saving them but they'll be stunted for a longtime if they even pull three weeks your plant should be waaaay taller...IMHO I'd start over what kinda soil?
Like the guy said coco is different to soil.
cheers for advice though.

What a fucking waste! Learn some basics first, or keep wasting yours and the plants time, you have ruined 2 perfectly decent seeds.
I know the basics and more to growing. I'm upset about the seeds however no reason to belittle me.

Seriously there is no point in even trying to save them. Stop trying to fuck with shit and forcing it to become some kind of super plant.
Wasn't trying to do anything like this, as i said at the start i gave it ONE feeding in it's 3 weeks of life and this was just a light drench of 2 mediums with canna coco a and b (1ml total) to establish faster root growth. IT INSTRUCTS YOU TO DO THIS ON THE PACKAGING :/.

I just find it really weird they reacted so badly, i'm wondeirng if maybe i used to much of the fungas gnat stuff.. I've never really used it before. I even wonder if this distilled water i'm using is too acidic. Either way i'll give them 2 more weeks max then if not much develops i'll pull them out flush the medium and replant new seeds.


Well-Known Member
Like the guy said coco is different to soil.
cheers for advice though.

I know the basics and more to growing. I'm upset about the seeds however no reason to belittle me.

Wasn't trying to do anything like this, as i said at the start i gave it ONE feeding in it's 3 weeks of life and this was just a light drench of 2 mediums with canna coco a and b (1ml total) to establish faster root growth. IT INSTRUCTS YOU TO DO THIS ON THE PACKAGING :/.

I just find it really weird they reacted so badly, i'm wondeirng if maybe i used to much of the fungas gnat stuff.. I've never really used it before. I even wonder if this distilled water i'm using is too acidic. Either way i'll give them 2 more weeks max then if not much develops i'll pull them out flush the medium and replant new seeds.
It's a shame that you made a mistake and came here for help and to possibly learn from your mistake, and all you got was a lot of holier than thou Aholes who felt the need to trash talk you... Unless the had a mentor holding their hand along the way, I seriously doubt anyone has been perfect and never made mistakes when they first started out. Away, thanks for posting this so other won't make the same mistakes you did.


It's a shame that you made a mistake and came here for help and to possibly learn from your mistake, and all you got was a lot of holier than thou Aholes who felt the need to trash talk you... Unless the had a mentor holding their hand along the way, I seriously doubt anyone has been perfect and never made mistakes when they first started out. Away, thanks for posting this so other won't make the same mistakes you did.
No one "trash talked" him, he shouldn't of been so daft to post pics up like that, he's obviously guna get negative feedback, if he doesn't like what people say, don't post, simples.


Well-Known Member
No one "trash talked" him, he shouldn't of been so daft to post pics up like that, he's obviously guna get negative feedback, if he doesn't like what people say, don't post, simples.
Or you could get your head out of your arse and actually help the guy. He's clearly not the most experienced grower in the world, so there is no need to belittle and insult him.

How can you be so arrogant towards this, it's incredible... "don't like what people say don't post, simples" Behave yourself... If you don't want to see peoples mistakes or learning curves, then don't visit the threads which say "help" if you're here for your own personal gain, rather than to educate both yourself and fellow posters, then simply never log in again. This community is not the same as a gaming one, where trolling and acting like the e-thug is accepted. Go onto the ESEA forums or something if you want to act like a complete moron.


Staff member
how about you dont post , unless its to help out a member thanks :D your post was rude and unnecessary


Well-Known Member
how about you dont post , unless its to help out a member thanks :D your post was rude and unnecessary
Here here, 45 posts and he's already making out to be the big fish in the pond. You can tell he is a typical chav.


Here here, 45 posts and he's already making out to be the big fish in the pond. You can tell he is a typical chav.
Your good at making assumptions, 45 or 45,000 posts, wouldn't make the blindest difference to me.. I better not fuck with you, your 594 posts might do me in.. Divi.


Well-Known Member
Your good at making assumptions, 45 or 45,000 posts, wouldn't make the blindest difference to me.. I better not fuck with you, your 594 posts might do me in.. Divi.
I'm not claiming to be a hard man, nor am I threatening you, that is down to your lack of intelligence. I'm merely stating in my own way that you are wrong and need to change your atrocious attitude towards other members. When I first signed up, I didn't slate anyone, argue with anyone or make myself look like a mongoloid muppet. If I had a question, I'd either search the forums or ask. If I am able to give advice, I give it as best I can, but if I can't or I think someone is a bit stupid for what they've done, I just don't say anything. Perhaps you should follow this lead, as one day you'll be in a position where you need to ask for help, and no one will give it to you because you're being a monstrous twat.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Such a nice boy.
+1 chromosome?

I've sent you a PM at your request. Now stop posting in here and talk to me via pm. It's not fair on the OP to ruin his thread by having a dispute which has no relevance to the question at hand.