Super Silver Haze Community Journal

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
To be fair, I'm only using one side of the 5x10 right now. But the temptation is right next to these plants.
Maybe I should put a chair in there and watch the one side grow ..:bigjoint:
There's stoners out the crying about not having enough space to fire up another tent and you're sitting on 25 square feet that's empty?

Fire that up and start some SSH ;)

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Yours look way better than mine. I've topped once leaves still look a bit ragged from setting my veg pro to 2 to generate a bit more heat, new growth looks good. Floraflex pots should be here tomorrow and I'll uppot and and get started flowering
