Super noob outdoor grow! Help! Pics!


So the plants have been growing for a good month and a half now, and despite the first stretching problem, they have seemed to be growing at a much faster rate, now that they have been moved to a much sunnier location, and have been transfered into much larger pots

As you can see in the pictures, the plants have more leaves, but alot of them seem to be being nipped at by bugs or something, because of all the holes on the leaves
This has happening even after using a 7 day cycle of an organic fruit, veg, and herb pesticide over the past 14 days
is that normal or does anyone have a suggestion for how to proceed in preventing this

within a week or two, im going to dig large holes where the plants pots are placed and fill them up with potting soil, and then transfer them to the ground, hopefully making them stronger with more potential to grow bigger

also, i am concerned about when (and how) to start looking for sex, it seems as if there is really no signs of anything in between the stems yet, and the plants are scattered so theres no real worry of one fertilizing the other
it would just be so convenient if all 3 were females, especially that first big one, does anyone know when a good time to start looking for sex would be?

also just out of curiosity, how much will these bitches produce each? on a rough estimate, ive heard up to a pound each, for outdoor plants
I sure would be satisfied with 3 pounds of green =]

