Super mini plants (update)


Well-Known Member
Update, just got my accurate night temperatures - my intakes and exhaust all stay running during lights out aswell ( temp - 77.4f , humidity - 49% ) lemme know how this is!
This is good, it could be cooler at night but why worry?


Well-Known Member
:) wicked , cant wait to see some more progress - i've learnt so much over the passed 50 some days !


Well-Known Member
Looks like your fans need to be at the top. I have a 2'x2'x40" grow box with two comp fans as exhaust. They wete on the side, and with only 110w of cfl, my temps were too high. I cut them in at the top, and my temps are and have been great. Just my thoughts. Plants look great btw. Im in week 8 of flower, lst'd and its looking like it may be a decent yeild.
IMAG0130.jpg. The buds have swelled a little since this pic, 10 arms reaching up to make 10 colas.


Well-Known Member
long arms, as for the fans being on top, heat rises there for my exhaust fan is at the top back, and my intakes are on the ground / middle more so to keep fresh air running through the entire box, my heat is nt really too high at all, just a few degrees which is no big deal atm. but thanks for the input :)


Well-Known Member
UPDATES - i tied down as many fan leaves as i could today trying to keep all growth that looks like bud sites in full view of the light let me know what you guys think, also i was able to bring down the lights about 2 inches because all those stretchy leaves are tied :)

Big one

Small one

Lights / both



Well-Known Member
K....heres what i think. This is what id do....cause you asked. Id let the plants keep growing tward the light freely untill theyre touching it almost. Cfls need to be close. Then when theyre close id start lst n them more. I wouldnt tie the fan leaves down because they need to be pointed up. They only absorb light on the top. Thats why the tops greener, so when your seeing the pale bottom nothings happening. Instead id tie the branches, they should be tougher anyway and thats the direction that you want to change. Id also tie them with thinner string if you got it but this is minor.
I was looking at the top view picture for a while and noticed yellowing bottom leaves. Searched a couple of threads for you and found a defficiency chart. One of the reasons was nitrogen defficiency. Another symptom of nitrogen defficiency was lack of growth. That was your problem before. Zero growth. Grow nutes are high in N because N is what your plant needs to grow like a weed. I think you said earlier that you finnaly gave them some ferts after giving them none for a long ass time. They took off after that didnt they? What have you fed them so far and how much? Like i told you before, i give mine 250 ppm after about a weekish and then keep raising it. I dont know what others think but id be givin em 350 or a little more 375 right now because theyre still small. You just switched the light so id still be going w grow nutes because they should grow alot right now and need plenty of N. How many times have you fed them and how much?


Well-Known Member
okay, i will see what the plant is doing tomorrow morning, if the leaves havent sprung back up under the ties ill take them off and ill work with the lights the best i can. and only fed them 2wice when they were vegging during the 3rd week or so and i used fox farm big bloom my buddy gave me just a little bit. but i only used twice and i havent fed anything else but water from then. but i do have flowering nutes. no idea what type but i said my budy has the same strain and said it works wonders.i just figured tieing down the fan leaves cause they were all flappy and the biggest hazard i guess, and i figured within an hour or so they would be proped back up right (as it has happened throughout lsting this whole time). and as for the dead bottom leaves, my friend said this will usualy happen especially the way im doing it, its a big bush and hard for light to get to the very bottom thanks so much for the reply ninja, keep the advice coming my friend !


Well-Known Member
I think you should add a TBS of sugar to your cup of water and sprinkle some yeast in it. It will create c o 2 and while still raising the humidity.


Well-Known Member
okay, i will see what the plant is doing tomorrow morning, if the leaves havent sprung back up under the ties ill take them off and ill work with the lights the best i can. and only fed them 2wice when they were vegging during the 3rd week or so and i used fox farm big bloom my buddy gave me just a little bit. but i only used twice and i havent fed anything else but water from then. but i do have flowering nutes. no idea what type but i said my budy has the same strain and said it works wonders.i just figured tieing down the fan leaves cause they were all flappy and the biggest hazard i guess, and i figured within an hour or so they would be proped back up right (as it has happened throughout lsting this whole time). and as for the dead bottom leaves, my friend said this will usualy happen especially the way im doing it, its a big bush and hard for light to get to the very bottom thanks so much for the reply ninja, keep the advice coming my friend !
Ok dude, lol, if you google NPK values of big bloom youll see theyre 0.03 (nitrogen) 1 (phosphorus) 1.1 (potassium) "and the truth shall set you freeeeee!" -jim carey Liar Liar. Theres no nitrogen in this formula, well very little. That fox farm trio is a three part series and your useing the bloom first when you should be using it last. You need the grow part. The nitrogen rich part like yesterday. Your little plants should all look perfect from day one if your doing everything right. Correct your nitrogen deficiency pronto and you plants will thank you
i have a natural green thumb so far but its not hard when you just buy the right shit for the job. That plant is one month and two days old from seed and the only thing wrong with it is that i fucked it up buy cutting through a branch i shouldnt have when i topped it for was twice the size and i cut off the top to bloom it to define sex, aaaand as you might be able to see if you look close, i cut off one of the two next in line branches. It could have had two tops but now ill just throw it out..ya right!lol i was telling you earlier that you also need to keep feeding grow (high N value) nutes to your ladies for the first bit of flower because they GROW soo much in the first few weeks of budding. ..............N..............ight time, go get some tommorow lol


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, you dont even know thier sexes yet do you? This could be a short thead lmfao. They are girls..they are girls..they are girls...


Well-Known Member
Im way to into this tread, im stressin out, i need a smoke. Lol seriously im laughing so hard, i need a smoke and a life lol


Well-Known Member
sweet, i will get on the sugar yeast thing tomorrow when i have time to get some shopping done, and nitrogen i will seek for my plants !! and haha no idea if theyre male or female , but we pray for the best ya ? :D


Well-Known Member
UPDATE! - Untied some of the fan leaves and sprung them back up right, i accidentaly took a tiny tip of one of the healthy leaves off in the process of snipping the tie. i hope this is okay, as it looked very minor, also I Have added the yeast water and sugar recipe - what should i look for to know if it is working or not? also some pictures updated :) ps. the lights are now 1 inch above both plants

This is all i see on the stem as far as sex goes, is this anything ?

I also had topped it an just wanted advice on how i did for my first top :)



Well-Known Member
also another question, for watering - since the plant is covering most the top soil, is it ok to just water on half the pot , will the water get to all the roots, its almost impossible for me to get the watering jug underneath the plant on the other side without soaking the leaves...


Well-Known Member
also another question, for watering - since the plant is covering most the top soil, is it ok to just water on half the pot , will the water get to all the roots, its almost impossible for me to get the watering jug underneath the plant on the other side without soaking the leaves...
Man, you give that those nitrogen and co2 your going to kick it into overdrive compared to what youve been seeing now.....welcome to the jungle!!...guns n roses...also ive heard that watering from one side can lead to uneven root development leaning tward the side of watering. Makes sence. You could try watering from the bottom is that right? Your pots should have drainage in the bottom and or sides or whatever so take that pot and put it in a sink or bowl or bucket of water. Dont just drop it in there and wait till she goes tits up. Push it down untill you see water start covering the dirt from the bottom up. Ya dig? Thats actually pretty good for your plants im thinkin. Itll probably keep those channels around the edges down, you know the ones that form when your soil gets compressed and shrinks and then the water just runs around it, down the sides of the pot and out the bottom, never actually absorbing into it lol I dont know if id do it with nutes in the water, probably just water. I run dwc so its not really my bag and i havent tried it out. Make sure you give them some good nutrients in the pervious watering because this will totally saturate the medium and it will take a while to dry out again. I stole the shit out of this idea. I read it on a thread by uncle ben. If you can find his posts pay close attention to what he has to say, its gold, he has quite the following because hes a real pro. If you think this bottom watering thing is a pain just ask yourself one question. Whats your crop worth? Happy plants make happy growers. And when you go sellin this info to your friends theyll think your the coolest guy in school....which you are.


Well-Known Member
I see basil and tomatoes. :) i got em too.
image.jpgI just like growing stuff, kids, chickens, vegetables, whatever. Grow your own. Im planning to grow my own tobbaco this upcoming season just for kicks. I started radishes a week ago theyre supposed to be a good indoor grow. I posted this picture for luiji. These plants were planted two weeks apart. The bigger ones older. But as you can see. The little ones not going to grow five times the size in two weeks lmfao. DWC. Theres water around the root system 24/7 and she only takes in what she wants. In dirt you never really know what she wants because she cant tell you. You dont need to transplant three times either. I probably forgot to water the dirt one a couple times and theres a good chance its pretty root bound in there. The big ones bolting so their going into pesto soon anyway lol oh ya luiji, your toppings great, not like my wild hungover wreckless! I cant tell the sex yet. Patience. Get somthing to take your mind off of it like lurking on peoples thread on RIU. Lol

