Super Manure?


Well-Known Member
Could the same method used to make Super Soil be used to make Super Manure? I plan to try it with a six month cook time, and mix it with my soil at a 50/50 ratio.
Amend the manure, let it cook for six months, then add to amended soil at a 50/50 ratio.
I usually compost the manure, but wondered if amended manure would be better.
People shit is only as good as what the animal ate one must remember that most of the minerals and such have been depleted and the shit has very low amounts
like saying how do you expect low brix going in on one end and high brix coming out on the other end lol
super manure i would think is a sales gimmic JMO
There's nothing for sale. Just an idea I'm considering trying.
Plain soil is nothing special, but amended soil is something special. So why not amended manure?
I use manure, compost, and amended soil in my garden.
what i am talking about who needs manures lol just saying


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I used some pallets to make my compost bins. I have three bins, one for lawn clippings and other plants, one for weeds and other plants and one for leafs. I shoved my hand down into them the other day and was happy to feel hot goodness! So far I have two that are almost full. Next year I should have some sweet compost to spread around! Still waiting for the leafs to fall off of the trees.
Amend the manure, let it cook for six months, then add to amended soil at a 50/50 ratio.
I usually compost the manure, but wondered if amended manure would be better.
you'd be better off amending your compost pile in my opinion.
And if you like manure, alpaca or rabbit shits all over the rest.
Pun intended.
Haven't used any manures in yrs, but It works well, especially those two.
the Corn starch in the card board glue worms go nuts over :)
grass clippings are some excellent and often overlooked nutrient in organics.
And cardboard is awesome to use in keeping your soil temps down and the soil's humidity level up, you'll see the roots grow all the way past the surface of the soil to get at the cardboards moisture.
Good stuff.