Super Lemon Haze SOG Round 3!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello all this is my 3rd grow using SLH!

The first 2 were great learning experiences and this 3rd is also proving to be one!
Here's a little break down of my current situation!

I am currently in day 14 and for those less mathematically inclined... I will be starting week 3 tomorrow!

I have 1 Lumatek 1000w ballast powering a nice 1000w HPS.
This illuminates over a 4x4 flood tray.. I take 64 clones and plant whatever roots... This current time 60 rooted, I planted all 60...
and removed 2 or 3 in week 2 because they were dying off.

I have a Hydro Innovations Water Cooled CO2 Generator that runs 15 mins every hour, I also flood once a hour for 15 mins.
I grow in net pots with strictly clay pebbles.

I am currently using most of the House and Garden line, and I will be using Shooting Powder!!

I PH to 5.8 and let fluctuate to 6.2!

AS of today I lollipopped all my plants which entailed removing the lower 1/3 of the plant to increase air flow.. and due to the density of
the plant population on the table reduce chance of mold and also increasing final weight of the top cola!!

I have 3 mothers in a RDWC that grow entirely too fast for me to keep!... I have a 64 site aeroponic cloner... which I keep in use..

I love learning about cannabis and different techniques and growing! I might take up vanilla kush soon or another better SOG Strain...
SO please!!!
Leave some comments! Leave some feedback!

I don't enjoy hating so lets keep it clean! :)


Lets get GROWIN!!!


Well-Known Member
i love lemon strains but haze sucks for me i have a tangerine dream i cant use because of height issuse. but verry sweet man, im doing a sog of bubba kush right (check out my journal 1400 watt sog). hell yeah man have a growtastic day.


Well-Known Member
Changing my res today, I change my res weekly as suggested by House and Garden feed guidelines!
Which means that this week I reach 1.6-1.8 EC! I jacked up my CO2 to 1300-1500 ppm and an now on full 15 flood every hour!
I need to go get some multi zen though which is the H&G enzyme...
I changed the res on the clones today also, and added in 20ml of Root Excel to aid in the rapid healthy growth of roots... and about 3ml of Aqua Flakes A & B... Just enough in 5G to let some nutrient traces be there...I'm going to let them stay in there
for another 14 days until they all have a nice long root structure!

By the end of this week i'm hoping to see some flower development, so lets cross our fingers.

Anyone see any loop holes in my grow? Got any positive feedback? I'd love to hear it!



Well-Known Member
Week 4 Began today!

So here it is, im up to like... 1.8 EC and things have been going well. I got a 40 amp dbl pole breaker today for my power box! Things pretty sweet... It has a 40 amp 240v input!
That turns into 6 separate 120V 15 amp receptacles! So to say the least I will no longer have to worry about tripping my breaker!

Also I had a few high temp days hitting around 35 Celsius... Which is about the absolute max I want to hit on my plants... 30-32 is my comfort zone..
So what I thought I would do and it has been working is to hook up a little fan in the window to outside and let some cold air circulate around my tent,
also this cold air flows through my cool tube and it has been effectively keeping the temps in the comfort zone.
I recently had a little problem with my humidity also with when the tray fills up at night my humidity was hitting highs of like... 80-90%, so I got a hose and put the
drain directly into my reservoir. That solved that problem also.
Budding has begun and is producing quite quickly, so lets see how things look at end of week 4.

The plants have grown WAY past my expectations in the first 3 weeks, some are 3+ feet. They maxed out at 2ft last time so this surprised my greatly.
The inter node spacing is decent and I haven't noticed much stretch.

Now.. Onto the clones and the mothers. 54 of 64 rooted well... and i'm going to let the roots grow to a larger size until I plant them this time. I'm hoping this will
help them off when i transplant them.
The mom's are growing entirely to fast for me to keep up with. So I think this time i'm going to take 128 clones and make another 64 site cloner.... Then take the absolute best
64 to plant!


Well-Known Member
Things going well!
Just another week!

They all grew way to tall.... So i'm def going to change strains soon!

Was thinking about critical mass or something along those lines!!

So here we are... Start of week 5!

Enjoy! post Comments please!



Well-Known Member
Yeah man I cant wait to get some of that dank! I think there going to be better than the last round!


Well-Known Member
Oooo things are looking FROSTY I cant come home and work on my grow anymore...I stink of Lemony Candy weed.... this is start of the 6th week of this 10 week strain!

So I still got 4 more weeks to go, here are some shots!

You'll notice some got a lil heat stress, they grew a little big and i cant move the light up anymore so I had to Super Crop them... They responded well to the stress and
are perked up towards the light again!



Ive been following for a little while now and I must sau that shit looks great! Iv'e never really tried the sog mrhod myself yet but been thinking about it alot lately. I was gonna start with Super lemon haze myself. I was gonna see if i could get a couple pointers from someone with experience with the strain.
You said this is your 3rd grow correct? What was the average yield per plant on your first two?

Im gonna continue watching your grow so keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Also, I was cleaning my room and moved my dry rack and found 3g's of my last SLH grow!! I was SOOO happy!
PS: as of today i'm 4 weeks out not as thought before. I wish the plants didn't get so tall... the heat stress is pretty bad around the lamp.
The rest of the leaves look great though!



Well-Known Member
All 5 have now popped and I transplanted them into rapid rooters!
I'm happy to have some smaller plants. These SLH get tall!!


Well-Known Member
I know, its 32 in there as it is... to assist growth from the CO2... Must be a good 40 close to the bulb.


Well-Known Member
Every day... I go downstairs... to my amazement... the bud's have gotten larger... and larger...(as a time lapse... compare buds on last posts which are from 3!!! days ago!!!
all my seeds germinated and I placed them in rapid rooters.
Within 48 hours most have pushed out of the media and look happy.


^ This is my most obscene grow ever, I still have a little over 3 weeks to go. This week I start using shooting powder and that stuff's supposed to have great benefits.


^^ All the newbies!

The bud sizes are pretty nice, and there frosty and STINK of Lemon candy! Come on 3 weeks!!

Any comments welcome! :)

arik maso

Active Member
nice grow you got goin :-P haze blows my mind, it grows so crazy. sativas can really expand your mind. you're gonna be tokin some frosty, dankness soon!!:leaf::leaf::bigjoint: