Super Lemon Haze outdoor in South West Australia

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If your area isn't prone to frosts and you keep them fed they should go dormant through winter and bounce back early next spring. You can also get liquid light and vitamin B supplements which should make up for the lack of light but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Using something to reflect a bit more light around might also help, ie; tree guard, water bottles etc.
Cutting off the SLH goodies tonight. One piece is already drying out.. minimal harvest due to my mistakes and bad luck, but boy does it look tasty. STINNNNNNKS too :D

PS thanks for the post.. I hope the SLH will come back at least.. but easy enough to transplant new clones in August ish
Already tried some tiny bits that were almost dry, very nice taste and definitely improved the high off what I was smoking (diesel)

Diesel stuff curing now.. already smokes great :D bit warm but nice and gets you baked

Ok so heres the SLH scoped.. almost dry. Check out pic 3.. back of a bud leaf ! loaded. :D



Well-Known Member
..Looks nice SLM. I've never seen another strain that has so much resin.. I've said it b4, but i'll say it again - GHS have made a winner.. A CC winner to be precise.
Got any shots of whole Nugs?
Unfortunately not.. I've smoked what little was there. Good smoke even with leaf on it. Best bush bud I can remember smoking

Hopefully what I've left will regrow, doesn't get super cold, never snows here either. Need a big plant to get some photo worthy dry chunks :D

As for the diesel they are purpling and look like they are building seeds. I have about 2 oz dry bud left, going to bubble hash it. Its okay, but hash is nicer :D buds should make some very high qual maybe full melt
Here's SLH (best looking seed from my pack) in a "turbotank"

Took only 7 weeks to get like this. I think its being left to go 8 or maybe 9 :)

I managed to find one crystal ball starting to go amber. It should be ready by 8 weeks for early harvest (or is now?) 9 or so is gonna be awesome..

Some macros of the biggest bud I have so far.. bigger but I trimmed em down ! bottom left in the first pic. Then scope pics of a fresh area after ripping it open a bit



Well-Known Member
Hi Super LemonMe, I am a fellow Australian growing SLH inside... I live in the nations capital, I've got family in Perth, bloody beautiful place...

Mine is very Sativa dominant...

This is one of my girls about a week into flower...

I have subscribed... :-) Laceygirl...
Cheers ! will take a pic of the glassy chunks before it gets cut if I can ! (not mine)

Literally looks like sprinkles of glass. Better than this lot :D

This had tons of stretch and the plants were actually snapped over and stuff. Very thin leaves on the ones which are about 3 weeks into flower. I've heard everyone gets very sativa plants. But with the crystal production and semi dense buds of an indica dominant strain. Beautiful taste too.. immature, cured 0 days and already lovely. I'll report back in a couple of weeks, from cloud 9
Looking forward to.. Brainstorm, Lemon Skunk, Cheese, The Church

If anyone wants a photo of turbotank White Berry, I'll snap a similar peek, bud porn, macro closeup, and scoped

We love the taste of white berry when its done right. Totally suits those running lots of clones straight from roots to flower. Its very single kola dominant and needs work and time to make lots o tops so whats the point. As I say though, we love the taste. Can't wait till it cures, it gets much much better after 1-2 weeks of curing
Lacey btw, more Nitrogen !!

SLH is a heavy heavy eater. Feed it as much as you want. Go for EC 2.0 by week 5 or 6 of flower, and go higher !

My biggest mistake with the bush plant was backing off the flower food. Next year it will be getting food by the ton.


Well-Known Member
This one (my strain) seems a bit sensative... I'm running at about 850-900PPM cause I am noticing just at the tip of the leaves, a little nute burn so I've backed off to around 820... Still high but not toxic to them... I will keep you posted.. I use nothing but Canna nutrients...
****ing awesome ;) hydro is rockin hard just finished an ounce of joy

Could be my lucky day. Dunno if I posted it, but about 7 weeks ago I planted a White Berry mother which was being replaced. I planted it right next to the dying SLH

Its flowered out nice and has some decent little nugs. First real rain has just hit it ! great weather lol

I went up there today to check on it and DAMN !!!!!!!!

A ****ing baby has popped up beneath it !! :D :D

It could be Super Lemon Haze x White Berry !! Lemonberry Haze :D now babying it. I transplanted it and sure enough, just a baby root about 1 inch long. So it has sprouted from a fallen seed !!!
Tons, if a SLH didn't have any lemon smell I'd know the seedbank was a ripoff. Greenhouse strains are some of the most consistent I've seen.
Will put some pics up soon of this seasons babies ! currently I have..

Hawaiian Snow fem (coloured) still on its first set. Recently planted it.
White Widow fem (coloured) planted a few weeks ago. Looking nice and on its 2nd set
Sharksbreath fem also looks great. About to start 3rd set
Either White Berry new pheno, or "Lemonberry Haze" .. I am 99% sure this is White Berry (fem) x Super Lemon Haze (male flower) which auto pollenated when the SLH was dying :D

It is on its 5th set of leaves. They are still all nice and thin like a sativa dominant hybrid. With the stretch in White Berry I expect this fellow to be quite huge, look at the date I found the seed !

It would actually be bigger but in an accident it was tipped over and in the scramble when I found it like that, its roots were ripped off I think (?)

Covered it quickly and put a coke container over it to humidify. Today I dug up and sure enough I have a bunch of fresh white shoots. PHEW nearly lost my special baby :)

Pics to come. Planting from seed nice and early this year. Few clones going in the bush later too :)