Super Lemon Haze, Orange Bud, Skunk #1, Warlock, Indoor soil grow+CFL - GROW #2


Well-Known Member
After previously starting one of the most disorganized grow journals, I figured I needed some order.
So after much thought, here it is!

Grow #2

My setup is simple and cheap.
I will be using CFLs for the entire grow, which will be housed inside a closet, 2 feet deep, 2.5 feet across and 5 feet high.
All plants will be started off in 8OZ cups, then onto 2 gallon buckets, and finally, into 5 gallon buckets for flowering.

I will be using Uncle Ben's technique to get 4 main colas. Possibly some LST as well, in a bid to control height.

Flowering shall be commenced after 4 weeks of vegging.

Today - 14th July 2010 shall be considered DAY 1, as it is the first day that all my seeds have burrowed through to the surface. Some have grown more than others, but regardless, I will start my count today.

I intend to flower outdoors under the constant 12/12 cycle of sunshine available to me year round.
This may become an obsolete plan should I manage to get my hands on a decent 600W HPS lamp.

So far the plants are all looking good. The SLH has taken off, and just 2 days after sprouting, you can distinguish the root network weaving its way through the cup.

Here is a bunch of pictures!




Well-Known Member
Day 4 - Progress report:

Plants received 2nd watering - tap water left out for a few days.

Skunk #1 is the runt of the group, seeing as it did crack through the soil last, but still looks good so far!
Despite the young age, the plants single pair of leaves are extremely short and wide, almost round, indicating Indica genetics, despite the Sativa dominance in this strain.
No roots are visible as yet, through the cup. Hopefully I will see some more rapid development in the next few days.

Warlock is close behind the skunk, having grown slightly larger all together, is now showing a second set of leaves and has a well developed root network.
Looks like I may have to transplant to the 3 gallon pots soon!!

Orange bud - Grown rapidly, exhibiting the third leaf set already, with the largest of the blades having reached over an inch in length. This plant has an insane root network already! Thick strands of roots can be seen randomly darting through the soil in the cup.
Definitely one of the more interesting plants in the bunch!

SLH - HUGE! This girl just took off. She grew an inch or so overnight, and is already looking great under the canopy! The roots have practically started taking over the cup, and will soon force me to transplant.

Pictures and more parameters soon!


Well-Known Member
custom mixture:

Peat moss
styrafoam beads
mature compost
bonemeal and sawdust

Each of the above, 20% of each, but just 10% for bonemeal and sawdust.
Airs out and drains exceptionally


Well-Known Member
superior genetics, i'd imagine...
The SLH cracked in just 12 hours in a shot glass. For this reason, it has had more time to grow (after germination) than the other plants.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue how to make fem seeds...

Plus the only pollen I can get my hands on is off my hermie Kilimanjaro sativa...

Help appreciated.

Updates soon... It just seems like not much has changed these past few days... Would essentially be doing a repost! transplanting in a few hours.
Look for clips then ;)


Well-Known Member
The SLH is the best herb I have ever had to date. Your going to enjoy her. Highly recommend some Super cropping on her.
My Avatar is SLH. I am now on my second grow of SLH from seed again. Love the strain, LOVE LOVE.


Nice set up dude. Mine seem small for 2 weeks what do you think. I started them on July 13th from seed (24 hr), and they seemed stressed by August 1st. I transplanted them yesterday, and started them on an 18:6 schedule, and they seemed happier at first light this morning. What do you think? Are they too small a lost cause perhaps?


Active Member
I have no clue how to make fem seeds...

Plus the only pollen I can get my hands on is off my hermie Kilimanjaro sativa...

Help appreciated.

Updates soon... It just seems like not much has changed these past few days... Would essentially be doing a repost! transplanting in a few hours.
Look for clips then ;)
to get feminized seeds you have to get a plant to hermie and make seeds....the seeds that dcome out of the hermie will be female.
other than that, nice grow so far.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the input.

So, updates!!

Pictures are minutes old.
Titles denote contents of picture below the captions:

Orange bud - top
View attachment 1097080
Newborn Northern Lights, broke ground this morning
View attachment 1097091
Skunk#1 - side
View attachment 1097090
Grow cab interior
View attachment 1097089
Super Lemon Haze - closeup
View attachment 1097088
Shortest plant (skunk #1) at just over 6 inches
View attachment 1097087
The artillery
View attachment 1097086
Super Lemon Haze - side
View attachment 1097085
Skunk #1 - top
View attachment 1097083
Super Lemon Haze - top
View attachment 1097082
Mutated leaf, one of two on skunk #1 - 2nd leaf set.
View attachment 1097081
Orange Bud - side
View attachment 1097079


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that, dude. I was without computer for the longest while. All but the SLH are harvested.
Will post pics of harvest, as well as dry and wet weights in the morning.