super Lemon Haze... Green but droopy.

Doesn't look to bad but my slh after one night became droopy, the plus is it's still holding a beautiful dark green. Should I be worried or should it be okay after a couple days.
Well I just feed it a gallon after 4 days. With the fox farm. I am getting a p.h. Soil tester today? You think it could be my p.h.?
Also why I think it is the fox farm, is because of the fact it was my first time to throw in some teaspoons, and this is my first grow. So I am just clueless for slh


Active Member
Also why I think it is the fox farm, is because of the fact it was my first time to throw in some teaspoons, and this is my first grow. So I am just clueless for slh
WTF does that mean. Why don't you throw in a couple forks and knives while your at it.


RIU Bulldog
the bottle I have says 3 teaspoons equal a heavy feeding and my plant were a month old before I started doing that. See thats the good thing about buying a ppm meter. I don't really have to follow the directions. I just use it as a guide. With the meter i can test the strength of the solution before feeding my plants. Right now I only use fox farm "grow big" and my plants get 1000-1600 ppm's of fox farm every other two days. I would give you the feeding chart but it wont let me load .pdf's so...your on your own. And get a ppm meter and ph meter, and get a liquid ph meter before you get a soil ph meter. You can buy a soil ph meter for $20 a homedepot, but you wanna spend a little more on a good liquid ph meter like this one -,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ie=UTF-8&cid=4493794108474604045&sa=X&ei=kmKKTfSdIJGCsQOapPCMDA&ved=0CIMBEPMCMAA#

Just rmember that if you buy a ph meter, you will also need storage solution (trust me on the storage solution, unless you wanna waste your money) and 7.01 &
4.01 ph calibration solution.
With my bubblicious and cream caramel left, sounds like a plan to me. Thanks for all the info on the ppm numbers for the fox farm grow big. On the ppm meter which is one that you recommend?