Super lemon haze, first grow, homemade system and pics


Active Member
Firstly i want to say a big thank you to everyone who takes the time to give advice and info on the site, there is no way i could of created these beatys without you!! I've used RIU from the beggining for desighning my setup to now and im 7 weeks into flower. They have come out better than i expected by far and its all down to you guys. I've a couple of questions now that i havnt been able to fing the answer to, firstly i've started these from seed and the thing what stands out is the size difference betweenj a couple of them. One is a good foot and a half bigger now is this down to genetics or could it be ive done something along the way to cause this. I believe they have all been treated the same all been moved about from time to time so no one plant has been in the same position all the way through. I only ask because im making a mother out of one of them and if the big one is geneticly wired to grow faster thats the baby. Also the large one seems alot further along in the bloom then a couple of the others plumper buds a few hairs going brown ext. Is this also down to genetics or could it be that its getting more light then the others been way up there which leads me on to my final question, harvest time! I thought with them all been the same strain that harvest would be the same time for all of them but as i mentioned there seems to be a fair bit of differnce between them is this just that buds on the less developed plants wont be as good or will they need longer?



Active Member
Wow first grow ever? Good job.

As far as the freak of the bunch its prolly the genetics, unless you stretched the crap outta it but it dont look like it.

And ur homemade setup, you have sprayers and the buckets just upside down no lid? Cool.


Active Member
Thanks, yeah there just in upside down buckets with 2 misters in each. The only real problem ive had is the misters blocking up i started out without a filter bag for the pumps big mistake! Next time ill splash out an get lids put them the right way so if i need to get to the misters i can just lift the lid and plant off cause if they block now ill have big probs getting past the mass of roots!


Active Member
Mister blocking up? Wrong nutes maybe? Im not familiar with this technique but do know there are some nutes that dont break down well and will cause this. I was gonna ask how you get to the misters too but now I see you cant, cursed with lotsa roots!


Active Member
I did think about that i'm using canna and i was talking to the guy in the hydro shop an he did mention that it leaves salt deposits behind. I'm due some new stuff any way only got wee bottles what can anyone suggest any?


Active Member
Come on guys, does anyone have any thoughts on the harvest time, should they be all ready together or are they likly to be stagerd


Active Member
I did think about that i'm using canna and i was talking to the guy in the hydro shop an he did mention that it leaves salt deposits behind. I'm due some new stuff any way only got wee bottles what can anyone suggest any?
Im not a mist grower so I cant tell for sure but if you check out the hydro sub forums the aeroponics guys can help you out with nutes.

Come on guys, does anyone have any thoughts on the harvest time, should they be all ready together or are they likly to be stagerd

And if they'll be ready together? It really dont matter unless you have ur heart dead set on flushing all at once. Look at ur trichs and see which are closer to being done. Its probably gonna be easier for u to have some finsh first so you dont have to cut and trim everything at once. Cut a few,bongsmilie, cut somemore,bongsmilie, finish up then:eyesmoke::sleep:


Well-Known Member
kkmd could i ask where you got your super lemon haze? i can only find fem seeds from the seedbanks, do you no of anywhere that sells regular super lemon haze seeds?

wicked for a 1st grow m8! +rep that man!


Active Member
Thanks for you help ninja toker much appriciated! Ill get into the areo section an see what they say an ive just taken delivery of my microscope only a quid off ebay so im going to have a good look at my trics see how there doing. What % of amber do you look for im tempted to go all the way but im not sure if it would make it to heavy i like it strong but there are limits!

Thanks for the rep sambo, i got my seeds from the london seed company but there greenhouse seeds originaly. Mine were feminized and i didnt spot any normal ones but to be honest i want looking! How come you want normal ones, you looking for males or just trying to save a few quid?


Active Member
Hi all here is some pics just before i chopped my babies and after! All in all i think it went well for a first grow just getting another going i've 3 red dragon from barnys and 3 Domina star any one have any experiance with these? Im changing my nutes as well from canna to advanced the only prob with advanced is the amount they actually do surely you dont need it all!



Active Member
I've really enjoyed growing these but thats probably alot to do with it been my first time. I only had 3 probs firstly the smelly just before they were ready to crop it stunk the place out! Secondly it was the difference in size between them, the smallest been about 3 foot the biggest been 6 but i grew from seed so i suppose that can be eliminated by using clones as can the last problem the time difference between them been ready. I was harvesting for 4/5 weeks with one been really early then the others spread out over the last 2 weeks.
The smoke is lush only a little heavy an very moreish. There is a wee bit of lemon in the taste but not all that much but its still sweet. Definitly not one for a busy day.