Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps


Light: 125 cfl 6500k hydrafarm reflector 18 hours on/6 hours off. 4AM-10PM. I also got my 150hps sun system for flowering and that thing is a beast.
Fans: 2 80mm computer exhaust fans, 1 for intake, 1 for exhaust. Waiting on a 9 inch honeywell to use as exhaust and then both mini fans will be intake. I also have an ionizer running right outside the grow space.
Soil: 70% Ocean Forest, 30% LIght Warrior
Water: Spray 25-50 ml every day of water that has sat out for over 24 hours in the grow area to increase humidity and dissovle minerals.

So after soaking the girls for 12 hours, I started them off on Friday morning. I had a heat pad under them and kept it about 90 in there with the light. By Sunday night they had both broken through the soil and this is how they're lookin niw



I just thought I would show off my girls. They look so beautiful and after I added an exhaust fan and switched both little fans to intake theres alot more air circulation going on. Hope you enjoy. I also just got some fire diesel got some pics below.



So everything so far is going well. One plant is a little bit bigger than the other, but they both look healthy. I picked up some 3 gallon smart pots. I was lookin for 5 gallon, but they didn;t have any. I am planing on starting flowering at about two feet, so I figure it will get to about 4 feet in after flowering. Is 3 gallons big enough if I intend on growing 4 foot plants in them?



So I started my veg time one week after I planted my seeds directly in soil. I transplanted probably about 10 days ago. Unfortunately one of the girls died close to two weeks ago because of high heat due to the hps. I fixed that and got it down to 85-90 and am watering more regularly. Twice a week. At frist I was juss spraying the plants every two days and not giving them much water. I hear then their roots start going up searching for water. The one plant juss shriveled up and died, even thoguh I tried to nurse it back to health. Hey its my first grow though and I am happy tht one is going very well. I started with FF Grow Big about 10 days ago right after transfer into the 3 gallon smart pot. My local hydro store was all oput of 5 gallon, but theyre getting them again soon, so I'll probably transplant one more time.



Well-Known Member
So everything so far is going well. One plant is a little bit bigger than the other, but they both look healthy. I picked up some 3 gallon smart pots. I was lookin for 5 gallon, but they didn;t have any. I am planing on starting flowering at about two feet, so I figure it will get to about 4 feet in after flowering. Is 3 gallons big enough if I intend on growing 4 foot plants in them?
Looking good so far, keep it up.

Some folks here will probably recommend one gallon for each foot of plant height, but I've grown four to five foot high plants in a 3-gallon pot (using the same 150w hps that you have), no problem,


Well-Known Member
So I started my veg time one week after I planted my seeds directly in soil. I transplanted probably about 10 days ago. Unfortunately one of the girls died close to two weeks ago because of high heat due to the hps. I fixed that and got it down to 85-90 and am watering more regularly. Twice a week. At frist I was juss spraying the plants every two days and not giving them much water. I hear then their roots start going up searching for water. The one plant juss shriveled up and died, even thoguh I tried to nurse it back to health. Hey its my first grow though and I am happy tht one is going very well. I started with FF Grow Big about 10 days ago right after transfer into the 3 gallon smart pot. My local hydro store was all oput of 5 gallon, but theyre getting them again soon, so I'll probably transplant one more time.
Oops, spoke too soon, now I see that you lost one, that sux.

You say "one of the girls," are these feminized seeds...or are you just hoping that the one plant you have left is a female?

If it IS a girl, you can still do very well with one lady in a 3-gal pot (or 5 gal even better) with that 150w, just probably wanna do some topping, LST or even a scrog. Just be sure and keep this last one alive :mrgreen: