Well-Known Member
endurux if you win u can take my purple 150 kessil. lol i know it aint much but hey, its something.
^^^^^^I second everything in this post!Do you know I just spent 15 minutes digging in all the corners of my place looking for just 1 measly seed. You guyz are discriminating against us cloners! LOL
Hey End maybe you should pick a few RIUers whose opinion you trust or some you friended and ask them if they're interested in acting as judges and treat it as a "best in show" competition so you can win your prize, which by the way is one hell of a generous gesture on your part. Hell ask some mods or even ask Rollie to do it! I think once you put a prize in there, people's competitive nature comes out, and you don't want to be accused of any bias or BS like that, right? Plus public polls can be easily manipulated. Not that I think any of you fine upstanding law abiding citizens would cheat to get a sweet little Fero light
Anyway I got two more shots at getting some seeds tomorrow and just for the record; if for some strange reason I win, assuming I can find a seed, I'm donating the panel to Endur0xX for his generosity and in honor for starting LED and Other's First LED Party Cup Competition!
And if I don't get a seed, Good Luck and Happy Growing to All Cuppers!
Ok, I can't resist any longer.
I've never done a party cup grow.
I have never done 12/12 from seed &
I have new nutes to try.
What could go wrong?
Count me in! lol.
The dawg
PS - When can we put seeds showing taproots into the cups? On July 1st?
I was under the impression this was photo period only...Can autoflowers be used?