Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

Hi. I have 4 mother plants in 5ft 4in PVC pipe. Each hole is approx 14in apart. System hold gallons 6 gallons. Plants are about a foot high. Nutrients are fox farm big bloom 4tbs per gallon and grow big 2tsp per gallon. 75% strength ph is always stable and around 6.0 ppm around 1000. Lights are 6 23 watt cfl 5500k they say each one is equivalent to 100 wats with a 45 watt fluorescent tube. I got a problem my plants where doing great until 1 day ago when one was super droopy and today the one next to it is super droopy. I don't know what it can be. I'm pretty sure it's not overwatering as its hydroponics. Does anyone have an I idea on whats going on. This is my first grow. Thanks for your time.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
They look like they need water desperately. Did your pump freeze, did their roots block anything? If you look and find the water is still flowing around their roots then what things did you change recently?

Welcome to RIU and I hope this works out for you,
Well the plants sit in a stream of water about two inches high that drains into my res. There still a steady flow of water. The only thing I changed is when I added more water(distilled) cause the res was getting low
Is there any way that a plant can get choked out by other plant roots in the system. If so is that one of the signs. Thanks again guys for your help


Well-Known Member
Could be roots issues of some kind..Can you see em? They white? I'm soil not hydro so just my wag.


Well-Known Member
They are dying due to shock. Something has happened to them , dropped, ripped out of the pipe for eg I don't know but if plants look this bad and its not thirtsy then its bad shock.
Thanks for info. I think you are right. I don't know what could of shocked them. They chill in a closet all by themselves. There going to die tho. Poor plants


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i assume youre using a constant flow system right?

when was the last time you changed your rez water?

are all your plants fucked up or just 1 or 2?

if they are not all fucked up, are the ones that are fucked up upstream or downstream from the ones that arent fucked?

is your pipe lightproof?
(get a strong flashlight, turn out the lights and shine the flashlight through the pipe. if you see light inside the pipe, you need to lightproof the tube)

has the temp in your closet shot way up or dropped real low recently?

do you have ventilation or are your plants stuck in a closet with no co2?

did you add anything new to your system before the problem presented?

if you are in an apartment, your neighbors could have does something, like had their place fumigated, which could have damaged your plants.

need more info bro.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Those nutes take 4 tbs/gal?? Sounds too strong to me.
If you REALLY gave them four tablespoons and not teaspoons you may have cooked them. Here's the Big Bloom nutrient schedule from Fox Farm.

4 teaspoons = 20 ml
4 tablespoons = 60 ml

What is your reservoir PPM?
Usually when you use a companies nutrients with pot you start at 1/4 strength of their recommended dosage and carefully ramp up.


Well-Known Member
I see you mention you added water, the only time I've seen a wilting like that is a few years back when it got cold and water temps dropped (didn't preheat the water and it does get pretty cold out of the tap) but then I see you mention using distilled water but still no mention of temperature. Then again if you're running a pump 24/7 your res is more than likely going to be too warm.

  • i assume youre using a constant flow system right? yes

    when was the last time you changed your rez water? about a week. After we noticed signs of droopyness we did 2 day flush with distilled water thinking maybe there was some build up. Today we replaced the water with a fresh batch of nutrients its at 700ppm

    are all your plants fucked up or just 1 or 2? it started with one. Now two of them are being affected and the third showing signs

    if they are not all fucked up, are the ones that are fucked up upstream or downstream from the ones that arent fucked? Flow of water is left to right. 4 plants with left being 1. Order in which plants were affected 3,2,1 but 4 is fine. It seems the problem is going upstream

    is your pipe lightproof? there are some leaks but far from harmful...i think. plants where doing just fine under the same conditions for 5 weeks. plant growth was great until sunday morning

    has the temp in your closet shot way up or dropped real low recently? No. highs are around 85 lows are around 73

    do you have ventilation or are your plants stuck in a closet with no co2? we got plants flowing outside the closet and the closet door stays open for 10 hours. Air is being circulated and theres intake and exhaust in the room

    did you add anything new to your system before the problem presented? Im only using big bloom and growbig

    if you are in an apartment, your neighbors could have does something, like had their place fumigated, which could have damaged your plants. Nope nothing like that happened

    Thanks for the questions. it was fun answering them​

What i wrote is the amount i use but its at 75% strength. the PPM was at 1000 at the time problems occurred. there was no signs of chemical burn of nutrient lock. PPM now is 700

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

  • i assume youre using a constant flow system right? yes

    when was the last time you changed your rez water? about a week. After we noticed signs of droopyness we did 2 day flush with distilled water thinking maybe there was some build up. Today we replaced the water with a fresh batch of nutrients its at 700ppm

    are all your plants fucked up or just 1 or 2? it started with one. Now two of them are being affected and the third showing signs

    if they are not all fucked up, are the ones that are fucked up upstream or downstream from the ones that arent fucked? Flow of water is left to right. 4 plants with left being 1. Order in which plants were affected 3,2,1 but 4 is fine. It seems the problem is going upstream

    is your pipe lightproof? there are some leaks but far from harmful...i think. plants where doing just fine under the same conditions for 5 weeks. plant growth was great until sunday morning

    has the temp in your closet shot way up or dropped real low recently? No. highs are around 85 lows are around 73

    do you have ventilation or are your plants stuck in a closet with no co2? we got plants flowing outside the closet and the closet door stays open for 10 hours. Air is being circulated and theres intake and exhaust in the room

    did you add anything new to your system before the problem presented? Im only using big bloom and growbig

    if you are in an apartment, your neighbors could have does something, like had their place fumigated, which could have damaged your plants. Nope nothing like that happened

    Thanks for the questions. it was fun answering them​

if the problem started at your downstream plants and is moving up towards the source of your flow, that indicates a problem in your pipe which is progressing.

i would disassemble the pipe and see if the root systems have formed dams, or blockages which could be causing large sections of your roots to dry out or die.

if disasembly is not feasable, you could try restricting the outflow at the end of the pipe letting the water build up along the channel and see if the plants perk up
I checked the pipe. Everything's good. One plant is completely dead so I pulled it. Do these roots look normal to you guys? take into consideration I just changed my nutes so it hasn't settled yet and the big bloom is a brown liquid. Thanks everyone for helping



Well-Known Member
Found your problem! That's one bad case of pythium root is a bacterial infection which is why you have seen the spread. I don't do hydro, so I don't know how much, but you need to take that system apart and clean it with bleach then use peroxide in your rez and keep it cool 68-72 F.

If you are pretty sure you can save some of the plants, I would foliar feed them till they perk up to give em an extra chance. CX Hydroponics makes a product called Wilt Guard just for this. Watch you root systems in the future. A healthy plant should have white fuzzy roots. Good luck. :)
