Super depressed and nothing to do!!!

Today I find myself depressed and bored, I sit here watching movies witch I am sure they are REALLY good movies but am in to bad of a mood to enjoy them. I can't smoke because i literally don't have 1$ and I need to find a job. What do you do to control your depression and boredom?


Well-Known Member
Go outside and go for a walk if its nice. Get some fresh air. Find a quiet spot and chill there for a while. Doesn't cost anything and might get your mind back on track.


Well-Known Member
Yea man sit down and meditate, try to walk until your feet get tired, or go for a run. Just do your best to get your mind off things


Well-Known Member
how does becoming someone elses bitch so you can get enough money make it another week kill depression? I always wondered why sheep enjoy being just another rat in the race.
You ever add anything positive or you just post negativity even if you don't believe it yourself?


Well-Known Member
Get up, go outside, completely empty your mind of negative thoughts and get moving. Fresh air, sunshine, interacting with others, get moving and exercise and focus your mindset on other things entirely. Depression eats you alive if you let it. If you are tired of feeling like shit, then make a move to begin helping yourself. If you continue to sit there and not try to help yourself move on from this mood then you are enjoying wallowing in the mire.

Peace and luck, you can shake it off if you want to give it the effort!


Well-Known Member
how does becoming someone elses bitch so you can get enough money make it another week kill depression? I always wondered why sheep enjoy being just another rat in the race.

This kid is very arrogant

If drunks are willing to throw down their money on the table for some of my catering services by all means I'll take it, no problem on the clean up. I have plentiful weed, people WITH love, and a home with places if anything bad happens.

Maybe i'm just optimistic, or actually was able to have a good life while living 'in the rat race' compared to your negative nelly stinky ass, bro

I'm not here to debate or personally attack either :eyesmoke:
Well I found something to do, my aunt just messaged me and asked if I would like to come to dinner at their place. I gotta love having a supportive family! Thanks again guys for making the time go by and letting me not go crazy by reading all of your post some interesting and some funny as fuck :)


Well-Known Member
Well I found something to do, my aunt just messaged me and asked if I would like to come to dinner at their place. I gotta love having a supportive family! Thanks again guys for making the time go by and letting me not go crazy by reading all of your post some interesting and some funny as fuck :)
Good for you man


Well-Known Member
Dude just, you gotta go get a job and make that a priority.

Ain't no life without money, and better you stay in a legal area till you can afford a lifestyle you want

Go volunteer! If you love say animals, go clean and play with the dogs at your local pound

volunteering also gets you experience if that is a setback on your job searching-

literally I felt the same. Had no job, lived OFF of my mother, always at home waiting to hopefully run to the dispensary for people

Then I got a job and hot damn, here comes responsible play time. shit always happens sometimes you gotta stick it tough and sometimes you can spend an extra buck or two on your bud

if you never look, you'll never find


Well-Known Member
Consteillo is right!! When finding yourself with no job and nothing to do, you could read some books or research local companies that you'd like to work for. Call them up or email them about employment, even if no positions are listed. Or, if you're super bored, take the bus there and bring a copy of your resume along to hassle them in person. It's harder to say no to someone in person, take advantage of that.

It really sucks not having a job, I've been there before and I feel your pain about being bored. The last time, it took me 6 months to find a new place of employment and I contacted people every business day. It was tough to find something that paid me enough to cover the cost of just showing up, wtf. Anyone offering a person anything under 10 bucks an hour for full time work and having the gall to say 'this is a great opportunity,' is insane. All I know is that if I'm bored, I need mental stimulation and sitting around meditating is that last thing I'd be doing! haha


Well-Known Member
how does becoming someone elses bitch so you can get enough money make it another week kill depression? I always wondered why sheep enjoy being just another rat in the race.
I am my own boss.
I didn't wear shoes from Thursday night until an hour before I played hockey today.
No one tells me what to do. If a client is a dick I don't work with them.
If your life sucks, it is probably your fault.

Despite all the bullshit, this is a country where if you are smart and work you can do what ever the fuck you want.
Or you can just make up whiney excuses like, 'I don't want to be a sheep in the rat race and work for the Man."

Here's a hint Holmes, the Man doesn't want you to work for him either.


Well-Known Member
what happened, trolling? did you lose your job because you kept going in drunk?

should i post more craigslist ads for jobs in the brandon area? it worked last time.

you can always take pics of yourself jerking it to honey boo boo on your mom's couch.
lmao thats not trolling, this is a semi-amish dude..


Well-Known Member
Stop watching movies and get a yob... Seems these movies are debilitating your quest for occupation....