Super Cropping?


Well-Known Member
genfranco, some of the plants you're showing are topped and not supercropped. You realy should note the difference since the techniques differ greatly.


Well-Known Member
my plants are topped and supercropped. Are you thinking if you do one you cant do the other?.

plus.. All of the pics on there are from plants that are supercropped. The last pic is showing what they looked like before i did the Scrop


Active Member
supercropping and topping are effective and can be used together on the same plant, if the plant is given time to recover. im doing both right now to afghan and im going to clone it also.
happy harvest

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Before long I'll be growing DWT, and supercropping. Every day I'm learning new stuff from this site. Thanks for the thread, I'm going out to the garage now to take to my plants with a tennis racket. J/k bongsmilie