Super cropping, LST, and FIM questions.


I'm planning for my first grow, and I have a question about using these different techniques. Would it be possible to use all 3 at the same time?
What I had in mind would be to LST my plants and on each side branch that comes up I would super crop and then FIM the tops.
Would this be too much stress on the plant? Would this plan even increase the yield or would it decrease it from stress?
Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
No u could do it, but what I'd do is just FIM the main cola, then super crop it, and from there u can lst/supercrop the other branches. I did that to this one plant here, except I topped it not FIM. This 2nd pic here is pretty much the same thing except I think I FIM'd it cause I think I fuckin missed hence the term FIM(fuck I missed). Or wait sorry Im dumb, I actually did top quite a few of the lower branches on both of these plants. And a couple I just screwed up tryin to supercrop and broke the tip off so it ended up with 2 tops.

2012-06-10 22.26.58.jpg2012-06-10 22.27.23.jpg


Active Member
Yea man I plan on using scrog supercropping fim and I might do lst if I figure a way it can be done with my set up


Well-Known Member
a few pics of min violator Kush plant I FIM and then LST a bit ..

did it around day 17 after seed came up .. at 5-6 not (had problems doing it since my nots was to tight :) sorry no pictures ..

this is from day 36

DSC00476.jpg DSC00458.jpg
got 4 new tops .. but before they begon to grow fast agin (a few days) them two side shots right under had catch up .. so I ended up with 6 compiting main shoots .. + 6 more comming up from the sides .. so 12 in all ..

this is from 2-3 days ago .. day 57 to day 11 days in to flowering ..

DSC00557.jpg DSC00628.jpg DSC00635.jpg

still a littel LSTd but I let some loose and will soon take em off when the stretch stops ..

hope this help give you a idea of what to expect ..

Independent counsel

Active Member
hey guys nice thread! Was wondering from seed, about how many days or height should I start the lst, topping and fimming. Planning on some violator kush, Og #18 Reserva, and headband sour kush Reserva either fem or reg seeds. I know the OG's streatch a lot so i want to get it right this time. thanks peace!!!


my 1st grow.... anyone got ne tips , to me my plant seems fine n healthy as f***DSC01633.JPGDSC01634.JPGDSC01635.JPGDSC01608.JPGDSC01609.JPGDSC01610.JPGDSC01611.JPG i had to my suprise wally duck foot strin, too bad i pulled it, i didnt care to much for it heard it rare n good strin but fuk it came out of a bag of good i had. other plant idk its genetics


Active Member
I like the combination of FIMing and LST. I haven't tried supercropping yet but i'm sure you could do it all