Super Bubba Kush & Purple Kush (newbie open to advice)


Active Member
I just did my water change today for the start of week 3. I up'd the nutes too.

PPM: 1133
EC: 1.61

They are still looking good. This week they started to get their little buds :-P

The one in the front is 26" and the one in the back is 28"



Active Member
Here's how the veg room is going.

The 8 Super Bubba Kush clones look sweet. They are all between 4" & 6".

The 1 Purple Kush on the top is only 2" so far. The PK is a baby. I planted the seed on 4/17 and she sprouted thru the cube on 4/21. I kept her in an incubator untill 4/27. That is when I move her into a pot and put her on the table. I think she is doing pretty good for as young as she is.

I am going to start a seperate journal for the PK here shortly. I'll be putting together a seperate bloom room to test one of her clones (when I take some) to see what her sex is.



Active Member
Just a photo update.

They are 28" and 29" tall. There are buds starting everywhere! :razz:

I added 5 gal to the res today. (well, I guess now it was yesterday around 5pm) I put the same % of nutes in the top off water. aside from that there is nothing new to tell.



Active Member
Well I just did my week 4 water change and up'd the nutes.

PPM: 1200
EC: 1.71

I'll keep the nutes at this level untill the end of week 5. Then week 6 the nutes start to drop back down.

These 2 SBK look sweet. The baby buds are already bigger than they were towards the end of week 5 on my last grow.

These 2 are 30" & 31" tall right now. They seem to have slowed down on growing up and putting more energy into the buds getting bigger now.

Well i'm on the last 1/2 of the grow cycle. I'm so siked to see them doing well. Looking 4ward to seeing just how big the buds get and to taste her :hump:



Well-Known Member
lookin good buddy very pc is down so I havent been able post much but ive been lookin at the thread from a small device...not gonna miss out on any of the show:blsmoke:...anyways though keep that shit up homie the girls seem to be lovin the attention.


Active Member
Okay, Here's why it's been a busy week. I bought a second 1000w HPS and some other equipment. I set up the second table for the 8 SBK that are in veg.

I initally planned on using just 1 HPS for both tables. I had the one light mounted on the bottom of the celing fan and angled towards the tables. That one light did cover both. But I was thinking that I would get better results if I had two. One centered over each of the two 4x4 tables.

Today I moved the 8 SBK that were in veg up to the bloom room on the 2nd table. A few days ago I took 10 clones for the next round.

Here are some pics of the newest residents of the bloom room.



Active Member
Keep it up Sneakers!
What's the distance between those lights and those girls?
It's not as far up as it looks in the pics. I was holding the camera over my head shooting downwards. The ceiling is only 8' high. The table is 2' off the ground with the res under it, then the plants are 3' tall. The light is hanging 1' down from the ceiling. So that would make the light 2' above the 2 SBK on the left and 4' above the new baby's on the right.

I was actually concerned that the light might be getting too close the the ones on the left. Those 1000w HPS put off a lot of heat!

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Quick couple critiques.

You wouldn't have to worry so much about heat if you air-cooled those hoods.

A 600w at 2ft distance gives off more light then a 1000w at 3ft.

At 4ft that light is only 1/16 as powerful!

Food for thought.


Active Member
Quick couple critiques.

You wouldn't have to worry so much about heat if you air-cooled those hoods.

A 600w at 2ft distance gives off more light then a 1000w at 3ft.

At 4ft that light is only 1/16 as powerful!

Food for thought.

So do you think I should put chains on my lights so I can raise and lower them? How far from the tops of the plants should the light be?

Dude it is sooo bright in that room with the two 1000w going. It hurts my eyes. I figured with all that light I should be okay. The room is only 800 Sq Ft.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Ya put them on chains that is what I do.
Seems like I move the chains every other day up, up, and away. LOL
800sq. ft.? I think your off just a bit.
LxW not LxWxH.


Active Member
Ya put them on chains that is what I do.
Seems like I move the chains every other day up, up, and away. LOL
800sq. ft.? I think your off just a bit.
LxW not LxWxH.
Haha, I was still in CSF from figuring out my CO2. I'll put the chains on sat. How far from the plants should I keep the light?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Well since your using CO2 the consensus is they can stand 100*+.
But, I wouldn't push the envelope.
I say lower the chains in increments.
Wait a few mins and check your temps.
Once your canopy temp reaches low 90's on a hot day I'ld say your good.
The key to a great grow is keeping all aspects at optimal levels at all times.

A simple way to put it is this.
Your plant needs 1 part light,1 part water, and 1 part Co2 to create 1 sugar(energy).
The plant cannot create energy without all ingredients.
So, if one ingredient is scarce the abundance of the others is simply wasted.