Super Bubba Kush & Purple Kush (newbie open to advice)


Active Member
Hey guys,

Here is the start of my grow journal.

This is my 2nd attempt in growing. I just recently had 2 plants that made it all the way to week 5 bloom. Then I got root rot. I am using clay pellets and pots in this 2nd run. The first time I wasn't using any medium other then the 4" cubes.

I currently have 2 Super Bubba Kush in veg that I cloned from my original SBBK on 03/16. The original I bought as a 15th gen clone from another grower. Unfortuanatly the original I bought died, But I do have these 2 clones from her!

I also got 4 Purple Kush seeds last week. I put them in rockwool cubes on 04/17 and this morning 1 of them has popped it's head out! :weed:

I just took some pix of what I have going on in the veg room right now. The bloom room is empty. I'm getting ready to move 1 or 2 of my current SBBK that are a foot tall. I would like to keep 1 as a mother, But I have taken 8 clones from them and really would like to have 2 plants going.

I'm a newbie and would love to hear anyone's advice, suggestions or criticism. I want this grow to go right.



Active Member
Here are some pix of the 2 SBBK from a couple weeks ago. (I have lower the light down)

My veg room has:
2' x 4' table
15 gallon res
Timer - Flood - 15 min on - 15 min off
2 Fans
8 x T5 HO 54W - 2' x 4' - All 8 Lights on 24/7

(Advanced Nutrients)
Sensi Grow A
Sensi Grow B
Epsom Salt
Nirvana (trace nutes)

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1150
EC: 1.65



Active Member
I have roots growing out of the bottoms of both pots. Should I cover the roots with something?

Here's a pic
WOW!! Sneakers. Looks freakin great. You have obviously learned a lot, really nice looking.

Those roots are going to want to spread all over that table. You really should have something covering the table then cut holes in it and drop your pots in. You could pull some black and white poly over top of table(cheapest but affective way) and tape edges then cut holes and drop in pots. This will keep light and some heat off roots.

Or there is that white plastic sign board you can get ,,comes in 4 x 8 sheets half inch thick. Cut it to sit on top of table and cut appropriate holes and drop in pots. Seeing as it is white it still lets in light so I still cover that board with black and white poly to keep as much light out as possible.(thats the way I do it)

if you click my sig you will see what i mean by covering your table and cutting holes and dropping in pots.

I see success for you in the growing game. :-) Keep up the good work!



Well-Known Member
man your gonna be an awesome grower buddy! thats very impressive for your 2nd....keep it up man.


Active Member
Thanx bro,

I am going to move the 2 big girls into the bloom room today. The tables in the bloom room are 4'x4'. I'm going to see what I can put together to cover the roots. That is what killed my other 2 plants 5 weeks into bloom. I had a bunch of roots growing onto the table and got root rot. But I also was not using any medium, just the cubes. I got some bad advice in the begining. I'll take some pix once I get everything together.



Active Member
man your gonna be an awesome grower buddy! thats very impressive for your 2nd....keep it up man.
Thanx for the props dude :weed:

Yeah, Thanx to this forum I have learned a lot on my first run. I have made mass changes. I'm going to list everything I do here so that if I start to do something wrong, Ya'll can let me know. Another kewl thing I was thinking is if someone else wants to do a set-up like I have. This could serve as a way for them to learn too.


Well-Known Member
homie i read your story...and when you said that your mentor was doing things different (maybe old school) I can totally relate because thats how my mentor is...i had to make alot of changes as far as ph etc to be more efficient. I grow in soil...i dont know much about hydro but good luck...and by all means dont feel first grow was full of bag seed HERMIES:spew:


Active Member
Today I moved my 2 plants from the veg room into the bloom room.

I used plastic to cover the area where the roots will be. I hope this will be sufficient.

Only 8 weeks left, thats if I don't fuck it up!

Here's a pic of the two after I finished setting them up.



Active Member
homie i read your story...and when you said that your mentor was doing things different (maybe old school) I can totally relate because thats how my mentor is...i had to make alot of changes as far as ph etc to be more efficient. I grow in soil...i dont know much about hydro but good luck...and by all means dont feel first grow was full of bag seed HERMIES:spew:
Thanx for the friend request! :hug:

I'm over it. I have changed a lot of what I do and my mentor is out of the picture. He's out of the crazy house now. but I think he is worse than b4. All of his plants have died. He pulled them all up when he was going thru his psycho episode right b4 he went into the crazy house.

My first grow was not a total loss. I still harvested 3 oz off of the 1 bubba plant, but anything that came off of jack the ripper was like smoking your lawn.

Even though I harvested in week 5. The bubba will knock you on your ass! This shit will shut you down and I could swear it has some psychodrophic effects too. I was initially just growing for my self. But my friends who have smoked my premature Bubba are in love. I can only imagine how good it is going to be fully mature. Everyone wants to know if I can get them some! haha! Of course I have a BS story of where I got it. When I do harvest I think I'm going to sell some to my friends. Well after I set aside how much I'll need to hold me over untill the next harvest.


Active Member
Here's an update.

It's day 6 of bloom and the 2 Super Bubba Kush are looking great. The one in the front of the the photo is 15" and the one in the back is 17". On day 1 they were 9" & 11". So they are growing about 1" per day.

Here's my week one nutes...

PPM 800
EC 1.14
PH 5.8

(Advanced Nutrients Products)
Sensi Bloom A
Sensi Bloom B
Carbo Load
Epsom Salt

This is the Equipment I'm using:

1000 MH/HP Light
4' X 4' Table
35 Gallon Res
water - on 15 min, off 15 min
Co2 Tank
1 Scrubber
2 Circulation Fans
1 Fresh air intake (temp controlled)
Temp: day 82 -- night 72
12/12 light schedule 7am - 7pm

I check and adjust the water 3 times a day. I Flood the pots once a day. and mist them several times a day. I work from home (internet) so I look in on them quite a lot.

I also have a radio plugged into the same timer as the lights. So that during the day they have some music to listen to. haha, I know it sounds funny, but a friend of mine swears that it makes plants healthier. I figured what the hell, it couldn't hurt. She sais that plants like jazz the best. So I have the radio set to a smooth jazz station. :lol:



Well-Known Member
man your gonna have some massive fuckin buds i bet...1000 watt with co2 in a 4x4 is optimum:shock:...u goin in buddy and i cant wait to see em. but yeah the music thing sounds like a good idea...they say all that tender love and care equals more smoke to share with the air lol...things are lookin good man.


Well-Known Member
your really livin it up bud...your job is home based and you get to smoke the best bud...and me...well im tired of driving to work high:eyesmoke:


New Member
thats weird i heard the same thing, peeps in the hills love to play music to there plants, i think its the vibes the music puts out in the air


Active Member
Thanx Neno,

Yeah, I can't wait to see them after harvest. The buds I got from my first attempt at growing was crazy potent (5 weeks). I can only imagine what this is going to be like when fully mature.bongsmilie

I only work from home because I was laid off from my real job. I made more at the real job I had. Now I'm designing web sites and anything I can to keep my house & eat!


Active Member
Hey guys,

Well I'm on day 11, Week 2 of bloom.

I change the res water every week and make changes to the nutes. I'm running on a 8 week moderate feeding bloom schedule using Advanced Nutrients Products. I'll be posting all the changes I make on here.

This week I started using "Big Bud" in the res and raised my PPM. I'll use the "Big Bud" up thru week 5. Then in week 6 & 7 I'll switch over to using "Overdrive". Then in week 8 I'll flush using only "Final Phase"

The plants are still looking great. Here are a couple pix of them from this morning. They are 20" and 24" now.

Start using: Bid Bud

Raised Nutes to:
PPM: 1066
EC: 1.52

:?: If anyone is interested in the exact amounts of nutes I use. Let me know and I'll post it.



Active Member
It's also week 2 in the Veg room.

I took this photo this morning. There are 8 Super Bubba Kush and 1 Purple Kush on the table. (Yeah, I have too many plants on the table. I'll be building a bigger veg room within the next week.) I started all 8 SBK from clones and the PK was started from seed.

Since I started the PK from seed. I'll be putting it thru a different process b4 it goes into the bloom room. I have to determine the the sex first. I'll be putting together a separate room for the test bloom. Thats not for a few more weeks out. But I'll let ya'll know what I do and take pix as it gets going.


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Doing good, Bubba Kush is damn fine smoke.
I recommend trying some Shiva Skunk.
I just discovered this legend and it lives up to it's name!