Super "BOWL"!!!!! who will win?!


Well-Known Member
Giants'll win hands down. Patriots arent sheeitttt. Unless Giants ALMOST lose b/c the fuckin kicker chokes like three times.


Well-Known Member
weak ass giants......
fans just jealous cuz they not perfect. just give up. save a few beers for mourning ur dreams. its just one more record to us....... added to the 20 or so we already got this season. and no were gonna definitly win. close only counts in horseshoes and grenades. if we win by a point ill still talk mad shit.:mrgreen:
if a terrorist blows up the patriots hotel where the starters r staying....... ill give u 50/50 then.


Well-Known Member
I don*t care for either team(go jags) however it would be nice to have the Pats win to just say I was apart of history.
"Yea I was there and watched that undefeated 07-08 pats."
I don*t have to many greats in my era. The 90 cowboys with Aikmon and Emmitt. The end of Marino. Steve Young. So having the ability to say I was there is cool.


Well-Known Member
u witnessed the redsox win the world series twice in 5 after not doing it, but coming close for 80 years. and now ull witness the undefeated regular and post season!!!!! me too! and all the ny natives too, but dont tell em!


Well-Known Member
I don*t care for either team(go jags) however it would be nice to have the Pats win to just say I was apart of history.
"Yea I was there and watched that undefeated 07-08 pats."
I don*t have to many greats in my era. The 90 cowboys with Aikmon and Emmitt. The end of Marino. Steve Young. So having the ability to say I was there is cool.
the 90's cowboys, now that was a team.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
The 90's cowboys are my first football memories. Aikmon, Emmitt, Sanders, Irvin. I named my first dog Emmit when I was 6.


Well-Known Member
90s cowboys could never do what the pats are doing now how do i know because they never did pats are gonna win.


Well-Known Member
Since we are comparing the now patriots to past power houses. I believe
they couldn*t be the 70 steelers. They had a SICK defense with an abusive pass rush. That's a key feature in stopping the Pats. A good front 4 so you don*t have to blitz as much, leaving recievers open underneath.


Well-Known Member
in philosopy. in philosophy communism sounds good too. but the pats r consistent, and they do not make mistakes. eli has been known to from time to time, and hes due for a few playoff picks.......


Well-Known Member
Every game that is what you hear. Giants the underdogs. Eli can*t hang,
and each week he proves "experts" wrong. I*m not for the guy, he looks goofy and doesn*t impress me, but he's got momentum going. Over the regular season, the giants put up the best against the pats then any of their other opponents. The giants have a shot, but any small error could be huge. The giants will have to play flawlessly.


Well-Known Member
did u c the ravens game?!?! the pats were off but balt still shoulda won!!! first they stopped the pats at the end of the 4th, except after it was "over" the ref told evry1 their was holding on the play. then somebody dropped a pass and it got called as pass interference when it was slightly noticable.
regardless- that was one time. and the experts on the news interviews all say "oh if they can do this they can do wut no team has done this season and beat the patriots" that line got old after they used it from like games 12-17 and they were all wrong........


Well-Known Member
The ravens game is the only game I see that they SHOULD of lost. They got ripped of by 2 flags and stupid!! errors. Even that game though wasn*t as close as the last regular season game with the Giants. Each team with 35+ points. Pat just barely winning with a field goal. This game is going to be mad close IMO.


Well-Known Member
i just didnt lose hope in the giants game. at the start maybe. but im just thinkin off the top, maybe they were ahead at the start..... but the ravens game almost made me have a heart attack. (im 22!)


Well-Known Member
I didn*t actually watch the game, but when I caught the replays on Inside the NFL, I was amazed. The ravens were playing an emotionally charged game (at least ray lewis was) with the lose of Sean Taylor(RIP) only days before. I still don*t agree with one of those penalties, but I guess that*s why I*m a fan and not a zebra.


Well-Known Member
yea, close games. but who always comes out on top? it musta sucked dedicating a losing game to S.T.:-|
words came too quick.


Well-Known Member
But what could you do? You come and play your heart out and give your dedication to S.T. in hopes of a win, only to be robbed in the last minute of the game. Its tough but in my eyes the ravens won they game. They played with more heart and more emotion then the patriots have all year. The patriots come out with that"60 minute" b.s. story and they play every time like they are the best time.. That's all to give the impression of good ethics. You know when the cameras are off Belichick and Brady are going
" Yea were good. Were gonan kick the other's team ass regardless." Smug Mother F.....