Supa seedz

i fount a seed that honestly idk where it came from but it was a bright yellow and light brown. its so sweet smellin already but its got 6 leaves any idea of what it could be?? and where could i get a hold of some "BLACK DOMINA" seeds i have a sweet plant to mix with it to make at least a 25%-39% thc content from what my professor tells me and that would be so awsome if 25% is the minimum cause ak-47 has 20%. any help on bomb seeds ?
gorgeous but also im growin it hydroponicly but either way i have 4 and 1 more cant hurt 25% or not it should be a great smoke. btw how can i keep these plants from getting to tall the one u posted thats short and so pretty is my ideal height. any clue on the seeds though?


Well-Known Member
sensi seeds does black domina.
Big lights keeps'em tight.
Mediums not gonna effect potency.


Well-Known Member
white russian is good the t.h.c levels are 22 percent thats the highets of any plant ive found...
I didn't really care for it myself. I never really felt high, unless I smoked a lot of it. I had one beautiful plant that would have made a great keeper mom, huge production, sticky, trichome covered, but the shit just didn't get me very high...

and it has a fairly bland taste.