Sunshine Advanced Mix #4...What Should I Keep The Ph At?

Dude! Any COCO should be 5.6 to 5.8 . alway check run off . what is run off ? that is where water come out bottom pot and pour that in cup and check ph . like exsample the run off is at 7.2 so your next feeding ph should be at 4.8 it may help coco ph back to 5.8 . get what i mean ? email advanced they will email you ph chart . I belive that COCO is waste of money . hydro set up is cheap just saying ..... good luck

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Dude! Any COCO should be 5.6 to 5.8 . alway check run off . what is run off ? that is where water come out bottom pot and pour that in cup and check ph . like exsample the run off is at 7.2 so your next feeding ph should be at 4.8 it may help coco ph back to 5.8 . get what i mean ? email advanced they will email you ph chart . I belive that COCO is waste of money . hydro set up is cheap just saying ..... good luck

Coco costs me about $100 to have enough for 18 plants. I reuse it. not sure why that is so expensive to you.