sunlight questions


Active Member
ok so i know for flowering you need 12/12

if you let the plants go the full cycle outdoors, will the natural moons light or other ambient light still be too much light for a 12/12 cycle? or does it have to be COMPLETELY dark?


Well-Known Member
12/12 is mostly an indoor thing. When you want plants to flower you give them 12/12 easy-pesy. Works on all strains.

Outdoors, most plants will go into flower much sooner that 12/12. Most strains start flowering in Aug here in Cali, long before 12/12.

And, yes the darker the better. It doesn't take much light to disrupt their night cycle. If you have close by street lights, or porch lights, they could cause problems with flowering.

You can cover your plants for 12hrs outdoors & make them flower whenever you want.

Good luck


E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
nature will do it's thing and your plants will bud accordingly. I have never had a problem. The moon was not enough to keep me from getting bud. Nor did i have to cover them.


Well-Known Member
During the vegetation cycle I have a really hard time picking them out. It's just 50/50, no way around it, unless your growing feminized seeds. The moment they start to flower the males get real lanky, develop ball sacks, and are real easy to spot. The females get all bushy, develop pistols, and just look bitching. Right out of a high times magazine. There's no mistaking them.