Sunlight False light grow

Barrack Osama

Active Member
Okay so I'm a little late starting this but I'll fill yall in on what I've done so far.

I start by soil germinating 10 seeds and came up with 7 viable offspring

And 3 more than came later and to be honest are still going no problem i'm just up to capacity. I've allowed the youngsters to live out life with no help.

i started all 7 in a outdoor environment with intense, direct, sunlight. its been 30 days and just yesterday i was able to isolate 2 viable females and have transplanted the males to an outdoor location. Reason being i feel like i can grow them massive and harvest oil from it.

I have now transplanted the 2 viable females to two 5 gallon buckets. They are in a 2x2x4 grow box with 2 40 watts 4ft flouros. I know its low but tomorrow i'm adding a 150 watt HPS to the canopy.

The flouro is upright so that i can hit lower branches with low intensity light.

I am running 24 hours right now

Nutrient right now is miracle grow infused soil beads with earth worms in the soil and 1/10 stregth fert. I'm fertalizing once every 14 days.

Currently both ladies at 30 days and 8in tall.

will fill in periodically

Barrack Osama

Active Member
So i painted the inside of my box today with Sherwin Williams Tile Clad white. Its a great 2 part EPO based paint that rolls on quite thick. I highly recommend it for any one building a box. I defiantly reflects quite well and also helps maintain a sterile environment.

Barrack Osama

Active Member
Okay so i'm 55 days into VEG.

I am now using a 70watt HPS straight down, 2-300Watt CFL's are hanging next to the ladies, and a 4 foot grow tube.

Nutrients are as follows:

5.0mL Fox Farm Grow Big

5.0mL Fox Farm Big Bloom

Both dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Feeding every other day.

I give them 4 hours of dark every afternoon now and follier water using only distilled water.

both are 18inches

feel free to comment>>>>