Sunburns and Hells itch


Well its been about 9 hours and my sanity, or what is left of it, is starting to make its way back. I am not new to being sunburnt. In fact I actually try to burn myself and gather up as much of the beautiful sunlight each summer that I possibly can. I love it. It stings for a bit but I get an overdose of whatever vitamins the sun offers and feel tremendous after. I love the tan and how I feel. Typically I don't peel at all if I take care of it. Unfortunately I havent been working outside as much this year just because of the circumstances with work, but 48 hours ago I went to work on the front yard pulling the pesky weeds. It was a beautiful day. Unfortunately its no longer the yesterday of yesterday but the tomorrow of Today. Things changed

Hells Itch. Bealzabubs prickly sack. Satans scratch. Whatever title you so wish to grant it, if you ever had it ... Ya know. If you havent experienced this do pay close attention for this is unbearable.

I decided that I wanted to finish up what was left in the front for pulling weeds so I lathered up some sunscreen on my back (just because I wanted to be cautious and not over do it. HA). This is where my tribulation began.

It was pins and needles being forced into my flesh. As if Satan himself built a monument on my back. Every follicle of hair began itching as if they were strip poles for fire ants and they had fiberglass insulation for seating. Like a herpe saturated cunt that was just shaved a day ago was gliding up and down my back. To pretend to be ough and down play this is a mistake. I was praying for Covid to take me away. Absolute madness. It is as if every sin ever known to man was given back to mankind and I had to suffer it as our Savior had through a unrelenting itch that drives one wild. Nothing but scolding hot showers every 25 minutes could help subdue this burden and even then it only brought it down to a manageable degree. A battle of attrition where it is a physically unpenratable itch and mentally a total collapse like that of a bad mushroom trip gone worse.

I dont want your sympathy. I have been warned by many folk. I just feel obligated to share my experience. I wish that absolutely no soul, saved or doomed, shall experience this.
Yours truly ... Suffering.
What effect do antihistamines like Benadryl have?
Your a wise man. Well I ran and grabbed some liquid benadryl about 1hr ago. I can say it has just slightly helped. I dont know if it was the sleepy effect or the actual medication. But I dont have the energy to itch like I had. It is definitely still bad though.
Thank you for passing on the good advice though!
Well its been about 9 hours and my sanity, or what is left of it, is starting to make its way back. I am not new to being sunburnt. In fact I actually try to burn myself and gather up as much of the beautiful sunlight each summer that I possibly can. I love it. It stings for a bit but I get an overdose of whatever vitamins the sun offers and feel tremendous after. I love the tan and how I feel. Typically I don't peel at all if I take care of it. Unfortunately I havent been working outside as much this year just because of the circumstances with work, but 48 hours ago I went to work on the front yard pulling the pesky weeds. It was a beautiful day. Unfortunately its no longer the yesterday of yesterday but the tomorrow of Today. Things changed

Hells Itch. Bealzabubs prickly sack. Satans scratch. Whatever title you so wish to grant it, if you ever had it ... Ya know. If you havent experienced this do pay close attention for this is unbearable.

I decided that I wanted to finish up what was left in the front for pulling weeds so I lathered up some sunscreen on my back (just because I wanted to be cautious and not over do it. HA). This is where my tribulation began.

It was pins and needles being forced into my flesh. As if Satan himself built a monument on my back. Every follicle of hair began itching as if they were strip poles for fire ants and they had fiberglass insulation for seating. Like a herpe saturated cunt that was just shaved a day ago was gliding up and down my back. To pretend to be ough and down play this is a mistake. I was praying for Covid to take me away. Absolute madness. It is as if every sin ever known to man was given back to mankind and I had to suffer it as our Savior had through a unrelenting itch that drives one wild. Nothing but scolding hot showers every 25 minutes could help subdue this burden and even then it only brought it down to a manageable degree. A battle of attrition where it is a physically unpenratable itch and mentally a total collapse like that of a bad mushroom trip gone worse.

I dont want your sympathy. I have been warned by many folk. I just feel obligated to share my experience. I wish that absolutely no soul, saved or doomed, shall experience this.
Yours truly ... Suffering.
Have you thought about going to a Rub N Tug? Should help.
Your a wise man. Well I ran and grabbed some liquid benadryl about 1hr ago. I can say it has just slightly helped. I dont know if it was the sleepy effect or the actual medication. But I dont have the energy to itch like I had. It is definitely still bad though.
Thank you for passing on the good advice though!
Try to figure out if your itch is actually a histamine problem.

Otherwise my best advice is stay out of the (bad word) sun.
I got a bad one while painting the deck last week. Had a shirt on to start but within 30 min the shirt was a hot, wet, second skin so I took it off. I planned to put sunscreen on when I went in for water but then .. about 6 hours of direct sun and no sunscreen later my back was a glowing red beacon visible from Rohan who mistakenly sent aid to Gondor.

My wife prescribed a 30 min cool shower, aloe every other hour, and drink water water water. I was worried about a water overdose though so I alternated water and lager. The itching when it began to peel was maddening, for sure, but nothing like you so eloquently described. 6 days later the peeling is nearly finished. #wearsunscreen #melanomaisreal
I got a bad one while painting the deck last week. Had a shirt on to start but within 30 min the shirt was a hot, wet, second skin so I took it off. I planned to put sunscreen on when I went in for water but then .. about 6 hours of direct sun and no sunscreen later my back was a glowing red beacon visible from Rohan who mistakenly sent aid to Gondor.

My wife prescribed a 30 min cool shower, aloe every other hour, and drink water water water. I was worried about a water overdose though so I alternated water and lager. The itching when it began to peel was maddening, for sure, but nothing like you so eloquently described. 6 days later the peeling is nearly finished. #wearsunscreen #melanomaisreal

Coconut oil works wonders in re-hydrating the skin to reduce itching as well.