Sun speaker from sunlight shed questions


Active Member
I know these are expensive but I'm not really inclined to build one myself.

My questions are:
Is 150 watt HPS enough to grow 5 plants?

They give you Ona Gel but I'm worried about odor. Should I invest in a ozone generator?

And lastly, should I cover the walls in Mylar or something similar?

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for the help guys. Very much appreciated.


Active Member
I know these are expensive but I'm not really inclined to build one myself.

My questions are:
Is 150 watt HPS enough to grow 5 plants?

They give you Ona Gel but I'm worried about odor. Should I invest in a ozone generator?

And lastly, should I cover the walls in Mylar or something similar?

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for the help guys. Very much appreciated.

dno bro, it looks really thin, and five plants will be as big as jupiter in there, you could make your own for very cheap or even just grow outdoors or just buy a simple budbox


Active Member
dno bro, it looks really thin, and five plants will be as big as jupiter in there, you could make your own for very cheap or even just grow outdoors or just buy a simple budbox
I would get something else but this cab is almost completely unnoticeable, which is a huge factor in my grow.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
man, i can convince someone that a cupoboard, spare set of drawers just has junk or personal stuff, storage boxes etc, but how do you plan on explaining to a friend or a random how your 6 foot crazy ass speaker doesn't work, well, plays music off tripple A batteries, essentially doesn't work. you'll either get called out faster than that, or you will forever have the s*** ripped out of you for wasting your money on some stupidly large heap of crap, as you'll have to explain one way or another to people, and it's either that it's broken, in which cas why is it there, quiet, because you got ripped off, etc etc


Well-Known Member
2k is a pretty sick amount of money for two of those things. I could see putting them someplace where they'll not get seen much, like an unused room, but there's no way you're going to fool anyone that contantly sees them. People don't really buy huge speakers anymore, thanks to the advent of the subwoofer. I hope you're not trying to grow under someone else's roof without permission because that's a dick move to begin with.


Well-Known Member
dude...for 2k, you can BUILD ur own pimpp ass grow box..that does it ALL clone, veg, flower, mothers. and ya, by thin, i mean, the inside of the area, the space it contains, the whole shabang, is too thin, my plants...2ft tall...but 2ft wide..just one..that thing looks like its only about 2ft u could grow like two plants in that thing. side by side. and you'd still have to lollipop it cuz you wouldnt be getting much light to the bottoms of them.

be ez

Well-Known Member
I am currently building a box just like this in my backyard, 14$ worth of plywood and 1 10$ pine sheet. Thinking of it I need to get back to gluing it together :P
That is a rip imo.


Well-Known Member
Those are so thin they should only have one plant space in them because that's all it's going to be good for. One plant per and 150w is not enough to penetrate more than 1 foot so why are they so tall you would yield nothing but popcorn and dead leaves lower on the plant.

If you are determined to get something pre built you should seriously look for another option. I suggest you pay someone to build you a pre made wardrobe cabinet grow box you can stuff in your bedroom. Those can be freaking huge and nobody would look twice at them.

For 2k I'd build it for you and so would 1000 other unemployed folks on here with carpentry skills.

Ona gel would be fine for these.


Well-Known Member
ya :) i have a wardrobe grow cab, its for my mothers and clones, i gotta closet for the flowerin, but its great. ventilations the only thing u gotta really set up, or your plants will effin die from the heat. and i you just had a wardrobe cab made for all the phases like mothers clones and maybe veg and flower, u could have a nice ass setup for 2k man