Sun celebrates the solstice with solar flare


Well-Known Member
"Sun celebrates the solstice with solar flare"
"The sun is nearing solar maximum -- the white-hot peak of activity in an 11-year cycle--which will occur later this year.",0,5289668.story

So, I think, all of, OK, most of our climate change, and global temp change, can be blamed on the sun…
So, this eleven year cycle, is over? Does that mean, that things will be calmer, and less warm?
I guess we will need to wait… And, how do the scientist know it’s not a 12 year or 17 year cycle?
That article didn't say the sun is getting hotter!!

Solar flares and this peak it's talking about are ejections of electromagnetic energy. They do not warm the earth!
The real issue with the sun coming into this peak is that these ejections of energy can seriously fuck with our modern technology and lifestyles.

If you google, you will see stories of previous solar flares hitting the earth and doing damage to telegraph poles etc- but the examples we have are pre-digital age and also fairly pre-domestic electricity age (when looking at big examples, since in reality we are always being hit by bursts of energy from space of varying intensity). When telegraph poles can burn out etc- what are we to think will happen to our PC's, satellites, big power transformers, etc?

Worst case scenarios are that we are suddenly hit by a solar storm and major power and infrastructure is damage all in one go. With no power on and limited communications, it will be really hard to deal with such a disaster. This isn't Mayan calendar dooms day bullshit but something that NASA is taking very seriously.
Isn't anyone else interested in the fact that the earth could have a 'doomsday' disaster from a massive solar flares? Potentially no communications and power world wide isn't worth talking about?