sulpher and iron deficiency


Well-Known Member
On the plant abuse chart it looks like my plants may be sulpher and/or iron deficient,,, what product would be best for treating this problem, I can use the help since I havent ran into this problem in the past...:peace:

Fallen Buckshot

ironite or a soil acidifier with some sulphur as the ingredient like espoma's

Fallen Buckshot

so,,,, what is espomas and where can I get some??
its a brand of organic/mostly organic ferts and amendments that you can buy at most bigbox stores HD lowes sometimes Walmart etc


Well-Known Member
thanx a million,, as much experience as Ive acquired,, I always run into something new,, thanx again for your help....:leaf:
its a brand of organic/mostly organic ferts and amendments that you can buy at most bigbox stores HD lowes sometimes Walmart etc