sulfur for mold questions


Active Member
Ok...I have searched all the posts on this topic and been talking with my local hydro shop owner(who by the way is a great resource for trouble shooting) last night I found a leaf with powdery mold. My humidity has been spiking to 80% in the night hours but stays at 30% in the light on hours. I have now corrected the exhaust problem that caused my spike(fan wasn't coming on at all durring the night). I'm now in week 6 of flowering and have applied a neem oil mix 2 days ago. My local shop owner urged me not to foliar feed with this for a week cause of the neem application. So ill crank the heat and pluck anymore signs of infected foliage. My question is...will this sulfur spray ruin my flowers? Is this gonna zap the flavor or potency? I still will have time for a two week flush, but is that gonna be enough to reclaim the delight I would have had without a sulfur spray. The shop owner said hands down that this is the most effective method to combat this powdery mold. Unfortunitly I currently cannot afford a sulfur vaporizer so I'm limited to the spray. Also, is there a burn risk with this sulfur spray. I'm in the dark with this...I've been growing for a year and have effectively controlled rh levels to where I had never even seen mold in the past, but as they say...shit happens.

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Ok I just broke down and bought a dang vaporizer, I'm in week 6 of flower. I need to know what the risk is. When do I burn and so on...+rep


Active Member
I gave up on the idea for this grow, my research has led me to believe that if you have sprayed oil based anything on your plants ie. Neem, you will fuck your shit up, oh well I got it for the next round


Well-Known Member
I been using greencure and had neem on there like 2 months ago....but quit for the stated reason.....

lets see wtf happens....



I gave up on the idea for this grow, my research has led me to believe that if you have sprayed oil based anything on your plants ie. Neem, you will fuck your shit up, oh well I got it for the next round
I've been using Neem for a long time and it never "fucks my shit up" Neem is oil from a plant, 100% organic. You can even eat it. If you go to an Indian Market you'd see Neem in lots of products, even soap. It is not as aggressive as Greencure on PM. However Neem is also good to combat various bugs as well. However, I've never used sulfur in conjunction with Neem. I must mention I try not to use anything on the final week or 2 and I generally have had my problems solved by then, or I cut them down and call it a loss. My reputation and safety of my patients is more important than a few plants.