• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
Tell yourself that all you want.Sometimes I get tired of being"strong".Get in my head.It's a fucking party.
yea a blast of a party...schizos and sociopaths dont have to pay a cover charge...lol. i know exactly what ya mean...my heads a party too...


Well-Known Member
well if some one doesn't want to live, for what ever reason, i belive that does not make them stupid, but i do believe their friends and family HAVE and obligation to try to help stop that person, their not being "bad" friends

Some one in my town just killed himself because he got into a fight with his parents and ran away from home ( he was 14 ish) so yes that person probably could have been talked out of it if some one was there, and he could have lived another 70+ years of a happy life, but ill never know if it would have been worth it for him to live


Well-Known Member
yea a blast of a party...schizos and sociopaths dont have to pay a cover charge...lol. i know exactly what ya mean...my heads a party too...
i would say your eyes are closed but it'd be rude. i can't see what you see either but life is beyond sight. we have emotions to live by and cherish and if i make you puke i'm sorry, but lady i know at least your fingers work, and your mind as well. ingenuity disproves Darwinism?


Well-Known Member
im a borderline psychotic. we cycle in a similar way as bipolars, but more often. sometimes its good...sometimes its bad...but there is waaay more bad than good. i like to use humour to deal with my issues, i know its an immature way...but it works for me. i have my own negative thoughts undermining myself all the time. i cant turn it off. the things that go on in my head have shocked several shrinks. to the point where i try to not talk about some of the things that go on in my head because it makes people uncomfortable. i try very very hard to "survive", even though i know it makes everyone else's lives more difficult for me to be here. sometimes i feel like im punishing them by being here...so yea...i love my family and friends and hate the thought that i make their lives more difficult...so i often want to die...im really sorry to say...but try walking a mile in my shoes and see how many steps you can take before you want to die.


Well-Known Member
you are as hard on yourself as i am about girls and me, ease up a lil, gravity is already pushin on you hard enough. and the key is will. dont worry about letting go, the world is invisible to you. feeling good deserves no shame and i mean by chilling. smoke a blunt with homeys and make a cookie or two.:joint:


Active Member
I'm a person that likes to put myself in all positions of an argument and really never make a true decision. I've contemplated suicide and have been very close to fulfilling my thoughts. The only way I get through it is to think that the next day will be better than this moment. I'm a very shy person and somewhat beat myself up for this; its not a good mindset to have. Lately, i've been trying to break through this and havent had much success, so I accept that. I'm me and there is nothing that I can do about it.

But what really sucks about all of this, is that i've somewhat come to the conclusion that we are here for no reason. My theory is that we're just more evolved apes and are cursed with a conscience and guilt. Sometimes im enjoying my day and these thoughts pop in my head and I feel like im about faint. They completely ruin my joyous mood. When I don't have weed, I feel lost. Weed for me masks these thoughts. It brings me away from the bad things and closer to my friends.

My ideas on life change a lot. I grew up going to catholic school for my whole life. I'm not bashing it, they are just (i don't want to call it brainwashing) forced to think these ideas because they know nothing else. They grow up around it and I somewhat pity my friends. I must say that its a great community and the only bad part is being forced to go to mass. I accomodate for their beliefs but they see everything else as evil. I told my religion class that I didn't believe in anything and that was a fun day. Lots of angry questions and pity thrown my way. I've wondered what it would be like if god was somehow revealed as nothing. I bet the suicide rate would go up astronomically. Like that one dude said above me, he would have commited suicide if his teacher didn't say anything. Life as we know it would just be the game it is. Everyone loses in the end, its just a matter of when and how. But i'm not agreeing with athiests at all. Their somewhat forming their own religion themselves and are just as extreme as catholics in their faith. I could see, in the long run, a war between the two. What are people like me that don't care supposed to do?

Yea lots of different thoughts in there and a lot off topic but meh, I don't have anything else do to right now. Toke on.


Well-Known Member
im a borderline psychotic. we cycle in a similar way as bipolars, but more often. sometimes its good...sometimes its bad...but there is waaay more bad than good. i like to use humour to deal with my issues, i know its an immature way...but it works for me. i have my own negative thoughts undermining myself all the time. i cant turn it off. the things that go on in my head have shocked several shrinks. to the point where i try to not talk about some of the things that go on in my head because it makes people uncomfortable. i try very very hard to "survive", even though i know it makes everyone else's lives more difficult for me to be here. sometimes i feel like im punishing them by being here...so yea...i love my family and friends and hate the thought that i make their lives more difficult...so i often want to die...im really sorry to say...but try walking a mile in my shoes and see how many steps you can take before you want to die.
Hey sara have you tried meditation? There are hundreds of techniques and I'm sure you could find one that works for you. I was amazed at what it did for me.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I feel you.I don't trust shrinks, I won't tell them what's in my head because I don't want to be committed.
im a borderline psychotic. we cycle in a similar way as bipolars, but more often. sometimes its good...sometimes its bad...but there is waaay more bad than good. i like to use humour to deal with my issues, i know its an immature way...but it works for me. i have my own negative thoughts undermining myself all the time. i cant turn it off. the things that go on in my head have shocked several shrinks. to the point where i try to not talk about some of the things that go on in my head because it makes people uncomfortable. i try very very hard to "survive", even though i know it makes everyone else's lives more difficult for me to be here. sometimes i feel like im punishing them by being here...so yea...i love my family and friends and hate the thought that i make their lives more difficult...so i often want to die...im really sorry to say...but try walking a mile in my shoes and see how many steps you can take before you want to die.
I bet she's tried medication to meditation...I have.I take a lot of pride in how strong my mind is and how well I control it.But sometimes, it gets REAL bad.
Hey sara have you tried meditation? There are hundreds of techniques and I'm sure you could find one that works for you. I was amazed at what it did for me.


Well-Known Member
oh yea...i have tried it all. lol. chi meditation is actually pretty good...the only problem with meditating...is the whole part where i have to clear my mind and focus. i dont have very much control over my mind...it gets so very hard. but yea...i definitely meditate when im stoned. weed helps the raging thoughts cool down for a while. and at first glance i thought that you had asked if i had tried and mediCation lol i was gonna be like "dont even get me started on my damn pills" hahaha


Well-Known Member
haha my mom threatens to have me hospitalized all the time. i just tell her thats a bad idea...cuz i wouldnt hesitate to kill people to get the fuck outta there. i HATE hospitals.lol


New Member

Consistently, you have to understand that certain types of marijuana have various affects on your mind as an inhibtor which could be adding to a emotional and or identity crisis in your life such as a depression or oppression and the likes; so you need to research how various foods and or drugs prescriptions included is effecting your mind.​

Learning to Solve Depression, Suicide, and Other Identity and Emotional Traumas
May I ask you your age? Is it possible that I can see a fuller image of you; as in a picture that includes ore than what the one you currently display? You are the person who said they were chronically depressed?

Truth = Light = True or Original Reality = Salvation = Redemption = Security = Virtue; can you see where I am going with this.

Healthy/nutritious eating reasonable exercise and reasonable goal setting is a good way to reprogram your mind, your attitude. If you are a chronic depressor, you need to be faithful to the Truth, the Light i order to find the depressor (source of stress) that is the reason that you are depressed.

Mothers have a way of getting into their children minds and manipulating their moods and even their thoughts. This is why God is so important because (s)He provides a higher Reality alternative that can lead to a psycho-spiritual breakthrough. The saying is mother and/or father knows best; but, the saying should be that “God (within the mother or/and father) knows best”

With this in mind, a person’s pattern of conduct is important to realize and/or understand. Conduct consist of a person's attitude and behavior; my point is to examine what patterns you have been repeated over the time of your issues/challenges and do a honest measure of the positive and negative effect it is known to have over you and make the necessary adjustments; this include relationships with some people.

Lastly, words and images matter; that is to say it matters how these things are influencing your mind; whatever is influencing your mind is ultimately influencing your attitude / cognition / conscientiousness and these things lead to how you act / live.

“Knowledge is power” and “the Truth shall set you free”
I have found that most psychological problems stem from either emotional trauma and/or self identity issues. The absolute first thing you need to do is understand the problem and seek the solution; most people dwell too much on the problem without putting the emphasis or priority on seeking a (super)natural solution. Many psychiatrist and doctors are materially or carnally motivated; this is why its you to be wise to get a second and third and forth opinion.

With this in mind, God is greater than all of these things and if you learn to understand the problem and look at it as a challenge then you can began to learn the solution for yourself, between the internet and the public libraries you can research your own way out. I am an advocate of balancing your p-H Balance (as in alkaline/positive elements, acidic/negative elements and toxins/false elements) of your mind, your soul, and your body through the (Super) natural things, as in primary things of God’s creation.

Ultimately, you have to understand that consistently with life, things of the mind is at typical “a process” (faith is a process) and ultimately, “you get out of it what you put into it.” So to whatever measure or capacity you concentrate and/or focused your time on it is how soon it will come to pass. Trust God, remember, He knows what’s best for us; patience and diligence are Virtues.

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God
your loved ones,
Mark Daniels



Well-Known Member

Learning to Solve Depression, Suicide, and Other Identity and Emotional Traumas
May I ask you your age? Is it possible that I can see a fuller image of you; as in a picture that includes ore than what the one you currently display? You are the person who said they were chronically depressed?

Truth = Light = True or Original Reality = Salvation = Redemption = Security = Virtue; can you see where I am going with this.

Healthy/nutritious eating reasonable exercise and reasonable goal setting is a good way to reprogram your mind, your attitude. If you are a chronic depressor, you need to be faithful to the Truth, the Light i order to find the depressor (source of stress) that is the reason that you are depressed.

Mothers have a way of getting into their children minds and manipulating their moods and even their thoughts. This is why God is so important because (s)He provides a higher Reality alternative that can lead to a psycho-spiritual breakthrough. The saying is mother and/or father knows best; but, the saying should be that “God (within the mother or/and father) knows best”

With this in mind, a person’s pattern of conduct is important to realize and/or understand. Conduct consist of a person's attitude and behavior; my point is to examine what patterns you have been repeated over the time of your issues/challenges and do a honest measure of the positive and negative effect it is known to have over you and make the necessary adjustments; this include relationships with some people.

Lastly, words and images matter; that is to say it matters how these things are influencing your mind; whatever is influencing your mind is ultimately influencing your attitude / cognition / conscientiousness and these things lead to how you act / live.

“Knowledge is power” and “the Truth shall set you free”
I have found that most psychological problems stem from either emotional trauma and/or self identity issues. The absolute first thing you need to do is understand the problem and seek the solution; most people dwell too much on the problem without putting the emphasis or priority on seeking a (super)natural solution. Many psychiatrist and doctors are materially or carnally motivated; this is why its you to be wise to get a second and third and forth opinion.

With this in mind, God is greater than all of these things and if you learn to understand the problem and look at it as a challenge then you can began to learn the solution for yourself, between the internet and the public libraries you can research your own way out. I am an advocate of balancing your p-H Balance (as in alkaline/positive elements, acidic/negative elements and toxins/false elements) of your mind, your soul, and your body through the (Super) natural things, as in primary things of God’s creation.

Ultimately, you have to understand that consistently with life, things of the mind is at typical “a process” (faith is a process) and ultimately, “you get out of it what you put into it.” So to whatever measure or capacity you concentrate and/or focused your time on it is how soon it will come to pass. Trust God, remember, He knows what’s best for us; patience and diligence are Virtues.

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God
your loved ones,
Mark Daniels

if i could smack you in the head right now i would. :evil: depression for most people is a chemical imbalance in the brain. faith and god cant fix that. medication is required. im not sure if the top of your post was directed at me or not...but im 22. and theres a full pic of my face somewhere in the "fat chicks wtf" thead. people who think that overcoming mental illness is a "mind over matter" thing need to stay out of it. unless you have personally experienced a severe mental illness, you have no place to talk. i have faith in myself and i have my own "religion" or whatever that i follow as a traditional witch. i dont need faith in any god because i grew out of having imaginary friends over a decade ago. while i do appreciate you taking the time to provide your form of advice, i feel that you dont really have a proper grasp on the severity of mental illness. not enough of a grasp to provide any really helpful advice.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I do pretty well controlling it with my mind...but I slip up, too...Prophecy is just using any forum he posts in to advance his religious agenda.
if i could smack you in the head right now i would. :evil: depression for most people is a chemical imbalance in the brain. faith and god cant fix that. medication is required. im not sure if the top of your post was directed at me or not...but im 22. and theres a full pic of my face somewhere in the "fat chicks wtf" thead. people who think that overcoming mental illness is a "mind over matter" thing need to stay out of it. unless you have personally experienced a severe mental illness, you have no place to talk. i have faith in myself and i have my own "religion" or whatever that i follow as a traditional witch. i dont need faith in any god because i grew out of having imaginary friends over a decade ago. while i do appreciate you taking the time to provide your form of advice, i feel that you dont really have a proper grasp on the severity of mental illness. not enough of a grasp to provide any really helpful advice.


Well-Known Member
I do pretty well controlling it with my mind...but I slip up, too...Prophecy is just using any forum he posts in to advance his religious agenda.
yea...i know...but i thought that maybe i could smack some sense into him :neutral:. its worked for almost everyone else i've ever smacked.........lol


Well-Known Member
oh yea...i have tried it all. lol. chi meditation is actually pretty good...the only problem with meditating...is the whole part where i have to clear my mind and focus. i dont have very much control over my mind...it gets so very hard. but yea...i definitely meditate when im stoned. weed helps the raging thoughts cool down for a while. and at first glance i thought that you had asked if i had tried and mediCation lol i was gonna be like "dont even get me started on my damn pills" hahaha
I think you are learning meditation from the wrong people if you are trying to clear your mind, that is near impossible for most people even without a mental illness. Very few people in this world have control over their minds :mrgreen: You really should look into different meditation techniques if you are interested I would be happy to point you in a better direction. It took me a while to find the right meditation technique for myself. It's not a cure all but it did save my life thats for sure :peace:


Well-Known Member
I think you are learning meditation from the wrong people if you are trying to clear your mind, that is near impossible for most people even without a mental illness. Very few people in this world have control over their minds :mrgreen: You really should look into different meditation techniques if you are interested I would be happy to point you in a better direction. It took me a while to find the right meditation technique for myself. It's not a cure all but it did save my life thats for sure :peace:
sure! im always open to suggestion. what did you have in mind?


Well-Known Member
sure! im always open to suggestion. what did you have in mind?
There are lots of active meditations like walking meditation among many many others. I can recommend a book to you if you would like, its really a really short easy read just PM me if you want the name of it. I also do a form of tantric meditation (no nothing to do with sex). "Tantra" is the secret path and may interest you if you are more agnostic.


New Member
suicide tip 1
slice up your wrist along the vein and you will bleed out quicker.

Tip 2
Buck up and buy a ham. No one likes a whiner.