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Well-Known Member
People that talk this shit piss me off. In the past 5 years I lost my child to a car accident, found out I had cancer, and to add to that I lost everything I own to a sociopathic bitch. Kill yourself if ya want, but making statements about taking other people out with you even if you're joking is grounds to have your ass thrown in a cage as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
wow, largely pro-suicide I see. Call him selfish or whatever. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, its hard to tell. But it's definetly selfish to turn any member of your community away with a problem like this...if you don't want any part of it than go to any other thread here and do your ignorant rants. Assuming hes serious, is he seeking the best help? no, of course not. But not everyone has a better place for people to listen.
to moonbeam, smoke a bowl and be happy that your not any number of the people who responded to your post


Well-Known Member
fuck it when i die i want to goto hell.

fucked up world yo when i go out its going to be on some real shit. nothing that you should be discussing over the internet tho.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Meh.Plenty of folks who've actually gone through the pain of attempted suicide,it makes me mad when someone uses it as a means to get attention.And is thinking of taking others with him?All he needs is a good smack upside the head.
How do you figure... lots of people don't want to hide that they're about to do it... some people do it on webcam :D
I've lost 2 friends to suicide in 2 years and No it's not fun, but I've kinda lost sympathy for ppl who are all talk no action. shit or get off the pot.
There is a diff bettween asking for help and crying for attn.


Well-Known Member
dont do it bruh, you be up in the chat n you chill? why you wanna kill yaself bruh?

Life is too good for you to do that.

and if it's in the tanker you know you can make it better:D. if its money problems go rob somebody preferably a dopeboy cause it's quick n easy and wont have to worry about police.

You can do alot of shit to make life better bruh. I wont tell ya how to do it cause i think suicide is a purebred pussy nigga move.

You aint got no kids or anything? You gotta have something to live for.

Be Easy and you bett not do it.


Well-Known Member
My brother killed himself, and I have gotten shit for expressing I hate him for it. People call me greedy for wanting him here still. But I got his 2 kids and one in not mentally right either(hes hijacked more than one account online and posted as me)

Whether you support or denounce it one thing is undeniable. Suicide is a cowards way out. Think of all the people who love you even if you say thre is non, your leaving someone somewhere that you forgot about behind.,..usually anyone has dozens of people who love them...

so whos greed out weighs the others. Majority rules in this world so unless you have not one person who would care in your life if you did it then not only are you the greedy one but your selfish and weak...

My bro could have talked to me, or our parents, but no he decided to be a dick coward and leave me with a broke back to raise my 3 boys all under 9 and his boys 18 and 16, the older with severe issues socially and behaviorly...

So boil it down, learn to find something to live for or let your greed surface the way it is now...

Operator: "suicide hotline how can I help you...?
Suicidal tool: Um yeah I really want to kill myself it just aint worth on my buildings ledge I want to jump
Operator: Do it then pussy, you wont do it, I fugging dare you, no seriously ..I dont dare you im telling you to do it. Want me to come push need grow up learn to get a hold of the fact LIFE SUX for everyone but the retards and the rich...I swear if you dont get over this crap im gonna come over there and kill your ass myself...maybe you just need to get out of own thoughts and learn to be a normal freaking human..get a fugging hobby...
Suicidal tool: Ok man never mind I feel better this was a bad idea...
....Dial tone

If every operator was like that I bet the rate would go down....

Dont be like my brother nobody will be better off for it...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think suicide is cowardly, it takes a brave person to actually pull the trigger.But whining about doing it on the internet means you prolly ain't serious about it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think suicide is cowardly, it takes a brave person to actually pull the trigger.But whining about doing it on the internet means you prolly ain't serious about it.
Yeah most would think it takes guts, but I guess I see it reverse. If you consider suicide which a lot of people do and dont do it...its because your strength and will to live is talking you out of it...your subconscious uses its own perserverance to deny your brain the act of killing ones self...

the weak do not have that perserverance in them and go through with it...because no trigger stops them
maybe this is why depressed people often kill themselves after getting on meds for it, the meds gave them just enough will to actually follow through with it...
other wise you keep talking yourself out of it and just lived depressed..
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