Well-Known Member
Every 24hrs Is a blessing for me. Or at least I see it as, because not one day has passed since I was like 11 or 12, that I have not thought about killing myself. I have been recognized that I am depressed mostly due to the part of own self loathing and lack of accomplishments. The weird part is even though Im limited in communication and transportation, that I still could have done better. I take full responsibility for anything I do or say, Im a firm believer in the Bible, Christ, and God. But this life, it lacks beauty in my eyes, every where I see beautiful women, cars, houses and they are all materialistic, even though I dont possess any of them Im pretty sure If I had them, It still would not matter. I seek substance, I truly feel like even though I have friends and family, im still alone. A lot of times these are the things that lead us down this path of thought any way. Im not asking for life to be fair, like Pres. Nixon said im trying to be a stronger man to deal with it. Its like I have no control over none of my destiny, like I didnt even choose the woman Im with right now. The bitch just fell in my lap, and because I was so lonely, I took her and her 2 kids in, even though neither one of them are mine. Now Im a father of two, for 3yrs without even trying. Biologically I dont even have kids, and Im not getting any younger. The truth is, if it was not for weed, I probably would have blew my brains out a long time ago, and If I never learned to grow it, I would probably be the guy behind the ski mask that you guys hate so much. I thank God for it, and for even giving me a chance to even attempt to be happy. I feel like even if I go to jail for this shit, it was all worth it, because I never had shit to start with. And hope like hell yall can feel my fucking tears through this keyboard, because even though we can have all the knowledge and money in the world it wont bring us happiness. THE CONTENT IS IN YOUR CHARACTER, our attitude chooses if we are worth Gold, Silver, or Bronze. The funny thing is I know life is to short to spend it un-happy, but how can you be happy during a free fall all the way to your death. Ive tried so hard to take flight, and I pray that God blesses my journey to gain enough money off this plant to at least purchase my first car at 27. Lost love, lost family members I loved, but thats not what hurts me, its looking back and realizing that I didnt just lose love and family members, I lost myself and who I was....