SUICIDE GIRLS - I forgot how hot they are!

So - I think girls are pretty.

But SUICIDE GIRLS - are just something else all together.

They look like a different species.

So much art on so much beauty.

This is for them. Anyone want to post some fav pics, PLEASE DO SO...

I used to hit Club Suicide in Hollywood at Dragonfly all the time
and the club was a dud so they closed and run at different venues from
time to time and
2 suicide girls (best friends Katie & Amy) live with me now and others
have in the near past but still hang here.
My bf's moonlight as strippers
and are very sharing/generous with there money
buying me loads of groceries cause they like our
home they consider their sanctuary.
I'll show them this thread when they wake lol.

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I used to hit Club Suicide in Hollywood at The Dragon Fly all the time
and the club was a dud so they closed and run at different venues from
time to time and
2 suicide girls (best friends) live with me now and others
in the near past.
My bf's moonlight as strippers
and are very sharing/generous with there money
buying me loads of groceries cause they like our
home they consider their sanctuary.
I'll show them this thread when they wake lol.

Pics please!
why are they called suicide girls?
They are all zombies.
Pics please!

They are all zombies.
what ever floats their boat ;)

Hos are hos, just a lady without her clothes, trying to make a dollar you knows. Can't say that my man parts don't get moved by them cuties though.