Suicide dilemma

Would you support someone seeking suicide to end suffering?

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Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Normally we all hate the idea of suicide and the raw wounds it leaves behind. I have a "what if" scenario.

What if the person committing the act made sure that all arrangements were taken care of (including funeral) and they have no immediate loved ones to leave behind to grieve? What if that person was diagnosed with an incurable illness or whose quality of life is only going to get worse as time passes? Would you support or condone that person's choice to die? If so, why? If not, why not?
If it was cancer and 100% going to kill them, I would support them yeah. I figure they're gonna do it anyway so might as well make it enjoyable for them. If you ain't dying from cancer or something other shit, you're a little bitch for quitting. simple as that.
If it was cancer and 100% going to kill them, I would support them yeah. I figure they're gonna do it anyway so might as well make it enjoyable for them. If you ain't dying from cancer or something other shit, you're a little bitch for quitting. simple as that.

What about a degenerative condition the increasingly creates more and more of a burden on loved ones?
Normally we all hate the idea of suicide and the raw wounds it leaves behind. I have a "what if" scenario.

What if the person committing the act made sure that all arrangements were taken care of (including funeral) and they have no immediate loved ones to leave behind to grieve? What if that person was diagnosed with an incurable illness or whose quality of life is only going to get worse as time passes? Would you support or condone that person's choice to die? If so, why? If not, why not?

Sure, in this situation I would condone it. But would I support it? Never. In the situation you presented, the person doesn't really seem to be hurting anyone else in the act, then whatever. That's a disappointing descion almost every time though. Pretty much the only way I would support suicide is if a serial killing child rapist wanted to kill themselves, then I'd hand him the gun.
Normally we all hate the idea of suicide and the raw wounds it leaves behind. I have a "what if" scenario.

What if the person committing the act made sure that all arrangements were taken care of (including funeral) and they have no immediate loved ones to leave behind to grieve? What if that person was diagnosed with an incurable illness or whose quality of life is only going to get worse as time passes? Would you support or condone that person's choice to die? If so, why? If not, why not?

Its one of those hypothetical's that you can only answer once the problem presents itself.
I voted for the death with dignity act here in Washington a few years ago. So that is my stance. I'm glad it passed. I wonder if anyone has used this option here yet...
Not sure if that was sarcasm lol, if it was, wasnt word for word but you know what I mean. I don't care about people killing themselves.
Normally we all hate the idea of suicide and the raw wounds it leaves behind. I have a "what if" scenario.

What if the person committing the act made sure that all arrangements were taken care of (including funeral) and they have no immediate loved ones to leave behind to grieve? What if that person was diagnosed with an incurable illness or whose quality of life is only going to get worse as time passes? Would you support or condone that person's choice to die? If so, why? If not, why not?

i condone a persons human right to do as he pleases with his own body.
^ I agree... I am pro assisted suicide. We cannot have people jumping off buildings or shooting themselves, as it can be a health/public safety hazard. A family doctor should be able to end a persons life at home or in a clinic if the doctor is willing and the person wants it, imo.

Forcing someone to live through pain who does not want to? Sort of sounds like torture to me...

My aunt begged doctors to end her suffering (emphysema). They gave her increasing doses of morphine and cut off her oxygen supply, she passed. The weeks leading up to it were very ugly. The years leading up to it were not so pretty either, really. She was connected to an oxygen machine/tank for as long as I could remember. I barely saw her anywhere other than sitting at her kitchen table with tubes running up each nostril. She would get winded just from talking.

or maybe one of these...
Doctors have told people they have months and end up living for years, nobody can tell you have a certain amount of time and always be right. Then again those are more willed people...
Doctors have told people they have months and end up living for years, nobody can tell you have a certain amount of time and always be right. Then again those are more willed people...
It's not really about the time you have left its how much pain and suffering you will have to endure. During that time. I for one would want assisted suicide I have watched both my parents, brother and sister in law suffer the wait to die, not only should a human being have to suffer such misery in this day and age, but your family should not have to watch the person you love squirm in pain and mess themselves I don't want that for my family it's better to go peacefully and say your goodbyes whilst still coherent with everything taken care of.
Doctors have told people they have months and end up living for years, nobody can tell you have a certain amount of time and always be right. Then again those are more willed people...

That person may live a few more years than expected, for sure. Yes let's make them live those extra years in agonizing pain and discomfort. Or just let people that feel ready to go, go.
Never said that, as I stated earlier "I could care less". If it were me tho, I would hang in till the end as I have alot of will.
Nope, I'm known for pain tolerance, I only go to the hospital when I absolutely need it. My mind is pretty strong and yes I'm depressed more than anyone knows but I keep it inside rather than taking pills or seeing a quack because I know what humans are capable, it's alot easier when you think about that.
Nope, I'm known for pain tolerance, I only go to the hospital when I absolutely need it. My mind is pretty strong and yes I'm depressed more than anyone knows but I keep it inside rather than taking pills or seeing a quack because I know what humans are capable, it's alot easier when you think about that. story bro. Have fun dying a miserable death because you are proud or whatever. Clearly no pain you have suffered is comparable to that of a life threatening illness. Giving up is one thing, KNOWING you are going to die is totally different. If you want to make this a machismo thing about toughness, then IMO that shows your immaturity.