Suicide By Cock


New Member

India IS in the continent of Asia *giggle* I know it's silly, but my student society and some other groups like to categorize everyone who isn't white as 'black'. It's weird, but then again some people consider all latinos (not talking about Cubas, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians etc but light skinned people) as 'black'; I read a good number of Spaniards (the original lighter skinned Iberian peoples) have a tiny percentage of African blood, because they are so close to North Africa... then again alot of those Africans are very light-skinned. Some people theorize they share ancient links with the chinese. Got to say some tribes look exactly chinese.

And many people debate whether many Eastern European people's should be considered 'black' for some odd reason.. Albanians are a mixed up bunch it has to be said..

Hey, one of the first members of the Black Panther Party was Japanese X3

You'd look at me and categorize me as black, but I'm indian, amerindian, chinese and white so.... yeah. Technically I'm asian.
I think I'll type up my student society's lame reason for calling everyone black lol.

But yeah.. Aids is rampant amongst men of African heritage in particular. Hey, read the regional analysis and that'll tell you why they tell you no nookie before marriage at church/mosque ;-)

But I think it's perfectly fine if you're in a committed relationship and are responsible..

beauty like you can't be generalized...the only category you fall under is BANGIN :p