

Well-Known Member
Thundercat, I'm not worried about plant number or how much soil I'm using or anything. That may be a good idea to just transplant and run a week longer in veg then swap. That's tempting to run to the grow store lol. Hopefully it's open. And I was wondering about the pheno and photo deal, but I'm not here to try and correct anyone so I just ran with it lol.

I appreciate everyone's input so far! Also, does anyone have any thought on the brown spots? Lol.


Well-Known Member
I meant to address the leaves. Honestly they don’t look scary to me. If you aren’t feeding them yet it’s possible they are a little hungry. Seems like they are pretty sturdy little seedlings. If they have been in the cups for 2 weeks, and they are drinking every other day, they might just be ready for a transplant.


Well-Known Member
Thundercat, thank you for the input! I'll be transplanting hopefully today or tomorrow! The reason I haven't been feeding yet is because of all the stuff that's already in my foxfarm soil. I figured it would be good for a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Thundercat, thank you for the input! I'll be transplanting hopefully today or tomorrow! The reason I haven't been feeding yet is because of all the stuff that's already in my foxfarm soil. I figured it would be good for a little bit.
I totally get that, I havnt used the ff soils but have read they can be hot which is why my first thought on the whole subject was perhaps lockout. But really solo cups are small. I can’t gaurantee I’m correct on this, but as a general rule if the plants are happy and have decent roots then a transplant won’t hurt and might solve the whole issue.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your quick responses! It's hard to guarantee anything based on pictures but I think you might be on to something so I'll be giving it a shot!


Well-Known Member
Hey all. So it's been a few days and I still seem to have leaves yellowing and getting brown spots. I don't know what to do... My water pH is 6.6. I transplanted from solo cups to 1 gal pots. My plants are now droopy and the yellow leaves and brown spots are getting worse. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
How does the new growth look? Once a plant starts absorbing the leaf it won’t ever get green again, and usually the leaf that is getting eaten continues to degrade. The key is in the new growth and whether the damage is continuing to spread to other leaves.


Well-Known Member
The new growth doesn't look bad. A couple don't seem right. The leaves are yellow and the veins are green


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't been on here in some time but figured I'd give you guys an update as to how my ladies are doing under 400 watts. This picture is from today a minute after lights came on lol. Almost 3 weeks into flower. My tent is a little crowded I think.

