Suggestions on light penetration?


Active Member
Just set up a new 400 HPS and in flower stage but the inside of the plant seems dark. Plan on getting mylar to enclose the area, but any suggestions on how to get light to the inside of my baby? Want as much light penetration as possible. Thanks.


Active Member
yeah, what about ideas that I can still use in flowering? Thought about tying down branches, bending main stalk, but don't have time today. Any quick fixes?


Well-Known Member
yeah, what about ideas that I can still use in flowering? Thought about tying down branches, bending main stalk, but don't have time today. Any quick fixes?
Make the time, shouldn't take more than 20 minutes and you'll be glad you did it. If you just started flowering, it's not too late. Besides, if you already put time and money into purchasing a 400watter, might as well make the best of it. Good luck!