Suggestion where to get lowryder


Well-Known Member
Can't find it on the nirvana site. I know allot of you don't bother with it since it's a small yield but I WANT TO REALLY GET HIGH AND FAST! (See my Introduce Yourself entry and you'll understand).

So, where would suggest I get seeds from?


New Member
I find myself in the same boat, so far i can tell you to avoid hg420auctions if you plan to use a CC {their system is broke and they are suggesting i mail them cash} and as far as Dr. Chronic goes.....good luck, he just might be the guy but customer service is pretty poor. He says no ship to USA but he still accepts orders, so it's a tough call as to sending money off to the UK on a prayer


Well-Known Member
Doc don't ship to the US although I heard tell he may if you ask him real nice.

Probably freaked out over the Marc Emery bullshit! Shithead goverment should have worked as hard as getting Bin Laden (Opps, I'm ranting - Wrong Forum).

Anywhere else?