Sugar Water in DWC


Active Member
hey guys i was just wondering if i could add table sugar to my DWC water? I've heard or read of people adding a tablespoon of table sugar to a gallon of water for tomatoes, will it hurt my plants if i do the same?:confused:


New Member
if you didn't know, throwing sugar into your dwc is akin to throwing bloody meat into a phirana infested amazon river.

plants will dig it, sure.

bacteria will dig it, absolutely.

every rez contains both good & bad bacteria, you'll be feeding them both.

i have run a diluted (1 to 2 tsp per gallon) mix of blackstrap molases in my rez ...but i have come to see that as a risk.

when i have put carbs in the rez, usually toward the mid to end of flower, i monitored everything very closely & changed out in three days.

i am interested to see what others think.
