Sugar Leaves Dying


Hi Guys,

I really am shiting it a bit at the moment one of my plants is having an issue. I'm 36 days into flower and the sugar leaves on the main cola are starting to die and I have no idea whats causing it. Any help would be much appreciated :)

Ok so it is a wilma grow 8 pot system with 600w HPS and 2 UFO 90w as extra lighting, I am using general hydroponics 3 step formula and following it to the letter, I have good airflow and manage to get humidity down to 38 during the day rising to 40-50 at night, Temperature is 33.4 C and I use canazym.

Think that covers most of it but if you need any more info please let me know

Thanks guys


I've been checking around and yeah it does look like deficiency of some kind. It's odd how it only got the one plant though and the others are fine. Not sure it would be heat stress as other plants are closer and no problems.... hmmm

Thanks for the input I will check the charts out :)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm,,,Looks like a Sativa???? If so I might be inclined to say you have to much feeding going on there.....P&K tox is very common around here.

Keep in mind that Sativa dominate and Pure Sativa's tend to be nutrient fussy. If that's a Sativa - wash and cut back feed nutes.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i agree with Doc Who about too nutrients. just back off a little on nutes, the plant doesn't look too bad. really tasty looking bud u got there! what kind of sativa is it? i've got a couple Cindy plants nearly ready for harvest and can't wait to try the bud. it's been years since i smoke sative bud. GL


Hi doc, the strain is Northern lights which I believe is indica, should I still do the same, as I've been told they're not that hungry? Thanks so much for your help dude.
Fazer thanks for your input too dude, PH is pretty stable now at 5.8 but I had issues way back with it due to evaporation.
Thanks guys