Sugar in my resivor?

this is my first DWC grow. ive got 2 plants each in their own 5gallon bucket with 3 gallons of water. Im about 5 weeks from harvest and ive heard people adding sugar to their resivors to increase their yield. Ive also read about it in the cannabis grow bible and the medical grow bible and they both say its a good idea but not how much or little to use. Im also using sugar daddy in my nuts recipe. Does that have enough sugar in it to get the desired effect or should i add extra sugar or molasses? If so what kind of ratio should i add it?


If you're using sugar daddy in your recipe, then I'd say that you're probably ok on the sugar. The extra sugar helps to feed and increase the microbial life in the reservoir. Are you using microbial life in your recipe? I don't know what else your recipe consists of, so I'd stick to a modest level, probably around 3-5ml per gallon.


Active Member
im pretty sure if you use just plain white sugar it does absolutely nothing because all the good shit is taken out durring the refining process.....
use unsolfured blackstrap molasses

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Be very very careful if using molasses in hydro, it will not disolve into the water easily and more often than not it seems it just turns the reservoir into a bucket of foam which will cause havock with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is what you are thinking of. Molasses is a complex source of sugar and minerals that feeds a wide variety of micro life.

However, molasses is organic and needs to be broken down by microorganisms before it can be used by the plant. If you do not introduce beneficial microbes to your res, then you are inviting harmful microbes which will likely cause cloudy water, gunky build up, and possibly root disease. If you use a sterilizing product in your res, then the molasses will never get broken down, and just pollutes the water.

Now, lets say you add beneficial microbes and they break down the molasses. Guess what, once broken down it becomes identical to chemical fertilizer, so avoid the headache and just use synthetic bud sweetener.