sudden PH changes


New Member
so i started an outdoor grow, its probably about a month and a half old using MG veggie mix, she only gets about 8 hours of direct sunlight a day due to conditions, the thing is the whole time shes been growing ive never tested the ph and i just finally tested them today and they were up around 7.5-8 (dark green), which leads me to believe this has been the ph of the whole life of the plant, (due to time release nutes), i just added a tbsp of distilled white vinegar to the soil with watering, will the sudden change in ph hurt the plant since its used to such a high one?


New Member
also, is there a way i could just simply buy a light and setup my closet with a light to make up for the lost sunlight, (final resting place would be outside in nature for darkness)

but i think buying a light would encourage me to start buying the rest of the stuff i need to get it setup for inside


Well-Known Member
She may show signs of the sudden change in the pH, but as long as you keep it in range from here on, should be fine.

Yes, you can put her under light inside. Good thinking.


New Member
how would i go about doing that my closet is about 8-10 ft tall, 8 ft long and 2 ft wide

could i simply just start with a light, and if so, how long would you think that'd last before i needed to start making more accommodations ie tent, how to vent things like that


Well-Known Member
Well unless u plan on growing indoors u dont need all that, u could get a 250w mh/hps and just an old table fan or box fan point at the bulb to push the heat and just hang in the closet if its a few extra hours of light your after


Outdoors in containers or in the ground? I assume containers since you mentioned a potting mix.

What did you use to test\how did you test it? A soil testing kit? Cheap probe? Just want to see if your testing method is accurate.
What do you water with? Tap water? Potentially hard\alkaline? Test your water.

7.5 isn't too bad assuming accuracy. Vinegar is a short term solution, you should use apple cider vinegar if you can. Otherwise there is soil acidifier or garden sulfur, which can take some time to work.


New Member
well i tested the tap water i was using too and it came to about 7 (light green) and i'm ussing a "mosser lee soil ph kit" vial of water, drop the tab, drop amounts of soil, swish, thing, look at color of water, it also came with a NPK testing kit too which they seem to be pretty on point. and i have her outside in a 5gal right now... not at big as i usually see plants it's age but these last few weeks ive been watching its sun closely and making sure it gets as much as possible and shes been taking off.


Well-Known Member
better off getting a 600 watter then. best bang for your buck. your just gunna have to invest in exhaust