Sudden droopiness for all the plants. Whaaat's happening?

Wow 48 days old. Any chance we can get a picture of the roots?

Absolutly, here they are! There is a smell to them other than pure water. My bet is peroxide... or the nutes. The smell does not resemble any biological pathogens, in my opinion.

Me personally I wouldn't be all that happy if my roots looked like that. It's not a big deal though it can be fixed. Are you putting peroxide in the res?

Yes, I did. But today when I changed water, I left it out. Instead I used some Algol and Powerzyme...
Go low on nutes, and up the air. Looks definitely like low air in those pics. Thats what i would do, though I am no hydro pro.
i agree with nick you can make a cheap air system with air line punch holes in it with needle and use stainless steal washer to hold down. then you can run that hose all over and us t's also. that is how i make mine.
i agree with nick you can make a cheap air system with air line punch holes in it with needle and use stainless steal washer to hold down. then you can run that hose all over and us t's also. that is how i make mine.

Like a custom made airstone?
simple solution for you. if those are rooted place them into soil problem solved. I don't like your set up at all. no oxygen getting to them . and your water temps are to high for me I like them at 60f tops. plants don't loo health as well. besides them being droopy. why not do a soil grow ? and after you learn what is up then go hydro. odds are you will stick with soil . from my experience I have learned you need to spend money to get hydro set up to work . and have great equipment and water chillers. and (know) what you are doing or they plants dye in 1 day. soil gives you a 2 to 5 day buffer to get the problem fixed. im known to get fucking high as possible then go work in the garden so messed up I cant stand up at times, no way I could play with hydro lol . I would fuck some shit up
simple solution for you. if those are rooted place them into soil problem solved. I don't like your set up at all. no oxygen getting to them . and your water temps are to high for me I like them at 60f tops. plants don't loo health as well. besides them being droopy. why not do a soil grow ? and after you learn what is up then go hydro. odds are you will stick with soil . from my experience I have learned you need to spend money to get hydro set up to work . and have great equipment and water chillers. and (know) what you are doing or they plants dye in 1 day. soil gives you a 2 to 5 day buffer to get the problem fixed. im known to get fucking high as possible then go work in the garden so messed up I cant stand up at times, no way I could play with hydro lol . I would fuck some shit up

What about not so simple solution? Move straight to a couple of 100 site diy aquamist systems with four 1kW lamps over them, perhaps?
They look exactly like mine did when one of my air pumps was knocked out of the socket. Or maybe they don't like the red walls?

"Doesn't matter how you grow"
Okay here it is i use this as a clone machine i use floating foam got the ideal from modularhydro.
Love and peace.
do you have some updated shots they kind of look ok to me are they still drooping ?
they can do this at different times of the day and at lights off they let the leaves flop down almost to the point they look like they wilting but they are fine
although they shouldn't be like that all the time they should have there leaves stretched out

do you have some updated shots they kind of look ok to me are they still drooping ?
they can do this at different times of the day and at lights off they let the leaves flop down almost to the point they look like they wilting but they are fine
although they shouldn't be like that all the time they should have there leaves stretched out


Yes, well... prior to this sudden droopiness they had these slightly upward pointing stretched out leaves, all of them.

Anyhow here are the pics taken few minutes ago. The lights been on for an hour.
They look better! The very middle plant has recovered almost 100%. Not all but I can definitely see gradual improvement, hopefully they will all be back in the shape in the next 17 hours.
If so, then adding more air stones and better pump fixed it.

Alright, thanks! Is 450 ppm low enough or you would use much less?
I never measured ppm after adding nutes lol like i said im no hydro pro. I just followed foxfarms charts and always measured on the low side, like if it said teaspoon, id use the teaspoon but go on the low side rather then over flowing the measuring spoon. And id just buy some air stones and a good air pump, dont go cheap on hydro, if your doing hydro you got to go all out on that. I have tried what he is talking about and it doesnt compare to air stones. They arnt that expensive.

And the guy telling you to do soil, one thing is, soil is easy, but you got to do what you want. You can do hydro and get it right, just keep coming here for advice :bigjoint: Just takes practice, and patients, no one gets it right the first time.
helmut remember to poke holes with safety pin or needle and test it in water to make sure enough air is coming out even i like 1 tiny air hole every inch of line and to see an air bubble come out every 1-3 secs out of each hole. you may have to have duel air lines in yours on each end to supply enough air. so test it but you will never have to buy another stupid air stone again.
Love and peace