sucks to be a doomsday prepper


Active Member
So what will the preppers do with their years worth of supplies now? lool i take it their all hiding in their underground bunkers right this second, hahaha


Well-Known Member
right todays the last day where all gonna die!! just like that movie 2012! see yall in the after life hopefully heaven has some great weed hell too just in case. lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well, serves then right for buying into a theory derived from an extinct Mexican culture.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in this: Stock up on bullets and some illegal guns. Hide em. When the shit hits the fan, its apocalypse now shit and its every man for himself...I'm killing the weak, taking what I need and heading to the mountains. Building a small wood cabin and turning that bitch into a tiny fortress, where I train, stay in shape, and hunt.. My morals go out the window with society. I'll still never be down with rape or any of that ever, but iI'll be on a mountain. Out of sight...out of mind.


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in this: Stock up on bullets and some illegal guns. Hide em. When the shit hits the fan, its apocalypse now shit and its every man for himself...I'm killing the weak, taking what I need and heading to the mountains. Building a small wood cabin and turning that bitch into a tiny fortress, where I train, stay in shape, and hunt.. My morals go out the window with society. I'll still never be down with rape or any of that ever, but iI'll be on a mountain. Out of sight...out of mind.
wont do you a bit of good once the big one hits...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well, serves then right for buying into a theory derived from an extinct Mexican culture.
...I think they were trying to describe 'cosmic' races. I've read about this being an 'inner' cataclysm. All that 'flood' stuff, is the 'flood' from the right hemisphere of the brain. So the apocalypse would be a persons' way of thinking completely changing - think 'pole shift'. The world (imho) is very left-minded and linear. "Rapture" would be like being 'taken up' in this sense, to higher dimensions within the mind. Who the fck knows :lol: maybe last time this happened we were only able to use 4% of our brains.

edit: your avatar is having a blast over there :) Makes me laugh.


Active Member
I'm a firm believer in this: Stock up on bullets and some illegal guns. Hide em. When the shit hits the fan, its apocalypse now shit and its every man for himself...I'm killing the weak, taking what I need and heading to the mountains. Building a small wood cabin and turning that bitch into a tiny fortress, where I train, stay in shape, and hunt.. My morals go out the window with society. I'll still never be down with rape or any of that ever, but iI'll be on a mountain. Out of sight...out of mind.
Let me get this straight: sticking your penis in someone without their consent is off limits, but firing lead bullets into other, weaker peoples bodies in order to loot them is fair play. Makes perfect sense!


Active Member
still got an awesome underground bunker and grow room to enjoy.... being prepared doesn't mean you look forward to the end, it means your ready either way.


Well-Known Member
the days not over folks.
for real the planets won't align till tonight and then the worlds gonna change rotation and fuck us all up. lmao, I bet thats what their all saying now hiding out in their bunkers. it just sound retarded the only reason the mayans knew when the planets were gonna align again they must have experinced it before.

but if world war 3 started up soon and with all the nukes around the world it really aint a bad idea but I'd build a bunker in alaska or the canadian artic no way in hell will they ever launch a nuke way up north it would be a waste. but most of them are doing it in there back yards they don't have a chance in a nuke war. thats about the only thing I can see happening atleast in our life time you know world war 3 will be the worst war in history hands down if it actually happens.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight: sticking your penis in someone without their consent is off limits, but firing lead bullets into other, weaker peoples bodies in order to loot them is fair play. Makes perfect sense!

you're right obviously he should add the rape for good karmic measure