Successful Russet Mite Treatment


I wanted to share how I completely killed off russet mites from my rooms since there’s really nothing solid on the internet with many people suggesting to throw away the plants and start over. I had a buddy that used a similar treatment and was successful in getting rid of those fuckers and I am also another, although I went further into it to make sure. I should note both my rooms were in veg and not flower.

Day 1 - Spray your plants from top to bottom very thorough with Forbid 4f making sure you hit everything. Important thing to note is forbid will not kill off some of the adults which was the case for me but more importantly what it does is kills off the eggs and does not let new mites to hatch which is extremely important if you want to be successful. Another important point to note is according to Forbid the product will stay on the plant for up to 45 days after treatment. This is also important as any possible mite that might have survived will lay their eggs but the eggs will not hatch and eventually the mite will die.
I used Amid mixed with water to feed my plants. Reason this is important is in case you have any mites inside your soil amid will kill em.

Day 2 - Although you can probably do this step the same day I chose to wait a day for my plants to recover. I fogged my rooms with Piston TR. My rooms are about 15x18 in size and the instructions says to spray one can for up to 3000 square feet. Only mentioning this because my rooms were a lot smaller and plants had no issue afterwards so you might want to use more then one can if you have bigger rooms. Piston TR completely 100% killed off every living russet mites after first fog.

Day 3,4,5 - I extensively monitored my plants with a digital microscope and found absolutely no mites alive.

Day 6 - Repeat Day 1.

Day 7 - Repeat Day 2. Russet mites eggs hatch after 3-5 days so I wanted to give it about a week before fogging my rooms again just in case any of them made it out.

Currently I am 21 days into it and there’s absolutely no signs of any russet mites. I should note that I do spray my rooms once a week with micronized sulfur as a precaution just in case any of those fuckers made it after all I did but to date I can not find any alive.
Well next time go ahead and use sulfur. Good luck with killing them off. It’s not as easy as you might think
Also this isn’t only for your plants. It’s for your whole room altogether. What if there’s mites on the floor, wall, faucet, hose, pot, shelf, etc. you want to be successful you need to take care of the whole room
In my opinion if you have russet mites in veg your fucked it is very hard to undo the damage, they created you need to consider cutting. If you want to go that way you need to underhand what is going on, they start in the nap of you flowering stalk and injects or secrets fluids into that area which will causes bud rot or brown stems down the road. If you kill the russet mites and let your stalks set your will have a better chance of clean stems and buds. Alot depends on genetics and environment.
Well next time go ahead and use sulfur. Good luck with killing them off. It’s not as easy as you might think
Sulfur works better and faster than all the toxic shit you listed. Sulfur won’t remain in plant tissues for 45 days like forbid which is not even approved for edible crops let alone smokeable crops.
Russets are extremely easy to eradicate in veg, it’s almost comical how much people used to freak out before everyone found out how well sulfur or citric acid works
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You could achieve the same results by spraying an organic contact killer like citric acid every 3 days for 3-4 applications. Why some of you people choose to spray toxins on your plants defies logic. And to top it off you used another product that contains chlorfenapyr which is another toxin. You should not be giving out any advice for controlling mites. Your suggestion to use 2 seperate toxins is reckless. It's terrible advice. I bet if you could still get DDT you'd use that as well.

Don't do what the OP did and spray poison on your plants. There are other methods that don't involve spraying your plants with poison that are just as effective at eradicating mites and are also organic and and food safe.
You could achieve the same results by spraying an organic contact killer like citric acid every 3 days for 3-4 applications. Why some of you people choose to spray toxins on your plants defies logic. And to top it off you used another product that contains chlorfenapyr which is another toxin. You should not be giving out any advice for controlling mites. Your suggestion to use 2 seperate toxins is reckless. It's terrible advice. I bet if you could still get DDT you'd use that as well.

Don't do what the OP did and spray poison on your plants. There are other methods that don't involve spraying your plants with poison that are just as effective at eradicating mites and are also organic and and food safe.
Citric acid is not bro science either. Its use didn’t originate within cannabis circles or etc. It’s proven science. Flying Skull Nuke Em. Only active ingredient is citric acid. Everything else in it is inactive. Water and citric acid.
Citric acid is not bro science either. Its use didn’t originate within cannabis circles or etc. It’s proven science. Flying Skull Nuke Em. Only active ingredient is citric acid. Everything else in it is inactive. Water and citric acid.
If I had been using Lost Coast previously, do you think I should wait a few weeks before trying to use Citric Acid? I know for Sulfur they say to wait if you have been using natural oils previously, but I cant find any info on that for citric acid. Any info helps, thanks!
i see that ur not supposed to spray oils after spraying sulfur but what if you sprayed oils before for example i neemed my plants like 3-5 days ago