i'm getting sick from the video.... he was shot 3 times before "get on the ground" was said once.... really??????
I feel ya man. Fuckin enraged right now. This is what you get nowadays with cops that grew up with SOCOM and Call of Duty as their prime entertainment, and massive inadequacy and social issues. Every person I know that went on to be police had some sort of insecurity or inadequacy thing going on....and now get their kicks by ordering the very people that pay their fucking wages, around.
Then they get suspended with pay, then put back on the roster a month later with a strike on their record. Fuck this.
Like the CEO`s of all these bailed out financial companies that took record bonus pay from the money that WE THE PEOPLE in Canada, the US and all over the world ended up paying for either directly via taxes, or indirectly by losing our jobs, suffering with small checks at work, many many people losing their house because those same financial companies that bankrupted the system, then foreclose on people because they can`t afford the new monthly mortgage payments. Fucking disgusting.
The original founders of North America would roll over in their graves right now if they saw the state of the world now. So much potential with the human race and current and future technologies....all permanently stained by images like this....and many many more.
I`m telling you, it`s time. Start arming up, stockpiling and whatever it takes, cause it will pop off soon. Cops like that should be the first type of people put up for judgement....then quick execution.....nah fuck that, bleed him slow, and do him like buddy did that fucking guy in `Law Abiding Citizen`
And it should be the good cops that do it....and send a fucking message that this type of shit better stop. Because if that DOESN`T happen, then that does mean they are ALL bad, and, again we vastly outnumber them. Basically give the good ones a chance to clean it up, or we fucking clean it ALL out. Flush the whole fucking system. Execute every one and start over.
Just the opinion of a pissed off soon to be EX ex-criminal.