Success Rate of Germinating in Water?

just a little curious, I got both a blue dream and all star og kush (if I remember right) seed from the buds and this time around to see if they would sprout anything I put them in a cup of water over night, I pushed them down in the morning and they sank. later that day I planted the blue dream and left the og one more night (started one night after) the blue dream went straight into my veg box from the cup and haven't seen anything sprout yet, been 3 days if I believe. the og never opened up for me to see a tap root. but I just planted it to see what happens. both were in the cups for 2 nights, og will have been planted one night tonight while the BD has been planted for 3 :sad: just curious is all. stay green my friends.


Staff member
i always use the paper towel method, but sometimes it can be up to 3 days before something sprouts you gotta be patient and leave em be
i always use the paper towel method, but sometimes it can be up to 3 days before something sprouts you gotta be patient and leave em be
yea im aware, my current grow took about 5 days to sprout, but that was straight from bag to soil. first time trying this and a little iffy. but cant complain too much they were free lol. I had my mind set on a few autoflowers for my small personal grow, so ill probably move forward with that idea if this doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
I only ever planted seeds in soil and put a cover over the tray. A heat mat made for germinating seeds helps a lot too. Success rate about 99%


Well-Known Member
sofar im at 100% germ rate with glass water. paper towel method for me does not go to well but usaully ill drop a seed in the glass at the minimum it will be 12 hours and the longest one i had sofar is take a little over 24 hours. after they sink i plant i dont wait for them to show tail. i think that would be to long of a soaking.


Active Member
Leave it in water too long and the tap root can be easily over saturated and it won't germinate. I'd suggest paper towl, rapid rooters, or just putting it in the soil.


Well-Known Member
If you can't wait a few days for a sprout to emerge you're going to have an anxiety attack 6 weeks into flowering.


Active Member
I tried a germinating in a glass of water and the paper towel method 0% success with both. the last 3 I put directly in soil and all 3 have germinated. I would try the soil 1st and if they don't germinate they are probably older seeds then you can try the glass or towel method as older seeds are the ones that need help if your seeds are fresh I think it just drowns them
If you can't wait a few days for a sprout to emerge you're going to have an anxiety attack 6 weeks into flowering.
lol yea, I wasn't exactly worried about them sprouting just curious and stating how long they've been under. im about 2 weeks into flowering atm with my bag seed

I tried a germinating in a glass of water and the paper towel method 0% success with both. the last 3 I put directly in soil and all 3 have germinated. I would try the soil 1st and if they don't germinate they are probably older seeds then you can try the glass or towel method as older seeds are the ones that need help if your seeds are fresh I think it just drowns them
that makes sense, ill give it a shot next grow


Active Member
Never had good success with paper towel, dont know why. 24 hours in distilled water, transfered to moist soil, shade and 3 days later I get good results. 90%